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Comment Re:so uh why they'd support it? (Score 2, Interesting) 356

The recipe for getting corporate influence out of government is to reduce governmental power in corporate behavior. I'm sorry you hate Rand, but that's the gist of it. If the business isn't controlled by government, then business has no interest in government and we can all go about our lives. If you don't like what company does, please found company and change the industry, or at least your small part of it. The problem with regulation and subsidy is that it obfuscates the costs of delivery, so nobody can tell what makes sense and what does not.

Comment Re:Really now? (Score 5, Informative) 451

USA isn't as bad as X, therefore USA is good?
I hit my wife with an open hand...it's okay, 'though, because this guy I know hits his wife with a baton and at least I'm better than that.

I am an American and I live in the USA. Don't forget that "the courts" are also part of the government. The federal government often and egregiously oversteps the specific privileges granted to it by the constitution; the courts, supreme and otherwise, often allow this to happen. Our government, the judicial part of it included, have made great strides in the restriction of personal freedom, including the field of censorship.

Don't get me wrong, the USA is pretty cool, and our government is definitely an open-handed beater, but just because Iran's government sucks more, that doesn't mean that our government doesn't suck quite a bit on its own.

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If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
