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Comment AI will not adapt but modify (Score 3, Insightful) 110

And armed with this information, our interfaces will morph and adapt to our mood as we go about our day. Future interfaces will not be curated, but tailored to fulfill our subconscious needs. Maybe the best way to navigate a digital ecosystem isn't through buttons and sliders. Maybe the solution is something more organic and abstract.

If things get to this point, AI(or machine learning, etc) will not adapt, but will modify our mood. Look at what social media has already done and continues to do, regarding human behavior.

AI will control human behavior.
There will be no 'adapt to our mood'.
How naive.

Comment Re:Or . . . (Score 1) 88

I can top that - I drive an EV. So unless I want junk food or to use the bathroom, I have no need to go to a gas station.

Excellent point. I don't own one but probably will eventually.
In the next 10-15 years as electrics start to take over, what are the gas stations going to do as demand goes down for fuel?

Comment Re:Gas Station Skimmers (Score 2) 88

Skimmers and underpaid employees are why I carry cash.

Mod up.

Yea, I'm right there with you and for the same reasons, in addition to, I find if I use cash instead of cards, I spend less.
I love the feeling of giving someone a $20 and knowing:
1. It isn't tracked
2. I know how much is still in my wallet
3. No concern for 'skimming' or any other digital shenanigans

Comment Re:I have a better solution: (Score 1) 39

Acually live your fucking life, and do shit that you consider worth it even if you die from it, instead of pussying out to your padded safe space like a true Millennial.

Cheers from Australia, the UK, etc.

The next time you're in the US, go ahead and say that to some of the Millennial players in the NFL.

Comment Re:I can predict the outcome of the AI analysis (Score 1) 39

And I would argue the increasing injury rate of rugby is due to the increases in strength/size of modern athletes as exercise science improves every year. Every year the athletes are stronger and faster than the year before.

You are correct.
The average weight of college football players in the 1940s was something like 180 lbs.

Comment Re:Get rid of the helmets (Score 1) 39

The NFL has known for years that reducing protective equipment is really the answer here.
I have a feeling the "Protective Gear Industrial Complex" would not approve.

Look at how expensive it is to play hockey.

There is a whole industry devoted to gear, gear and even more gear, and they don't want something like player safety to get in the way of their revenue stream.

Comment Re: I can see why he wants to remain anonymous (Score 1) 42

Lest you remind, the Russians impersonated million of American and "voted" for TRUMP.

I'm not sure why you would post such a thing. That assertion is blatantly false.

And yes, I am a confirmed 'Never Trumper' who thinks he is the worst thing to happen to the US since 9/11.
However, by making such a statement about who voted for who(m), you are merely(and perhaps purposefully) playing into the Authoritarian Meme Pool.

Comment Re:Throw shit at the wall, see what sticks (Score 1) 89

If the alternative is suicide I don't really mind but psychopharmacology is given far too much respect given how weak the science is.

They should come with disclaimers with percentages for how likely and how much it is to help and how likely it is for you to wake up having murdered your family (ie. SSRIs).

If you're not already in marketing for a big pharma, you should be.

Comment Re:Something is wrong with this guy (Score 1) 124

Who cares if it is a bonafide "duck farm" or just a woman who likes ducks?

It is 100% wrong to move into a place and then start pushing your neighbors around using the government to force them into changing their way of life for your own selfish reasons.

Unless you are Larry Ellison or The Edge.

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