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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Don't ask customers to be vulnerable  *Monday June 05, 2006 @08:01PM 2 3, Insightful
   attached to Security Software Conflicts with AJAX?
Re:Um  *Thursday March 02, 2006 @06:37PM 2 2
   attached to $9 Billion Loophole for Synthetic Fuel
Re:Already blowing it...  *Tuesday February 28, 2006 @12:19AM  2
   attached to Dungeon Masters in Cyberspace
Can you specify License type in search?  *Friday February 17, 2006 @07:09PM  2
   attached to Search Engine For Coders to Launch
Re:It's about time EFF got back into the news!  *Tuesday January 31, 2006 @07:17PM 7 2
   attached to EFF Sues AT&T Over NSA Wiretapping
Re:Unknown "them" better enemies  *Sunday November 20, 2005 @04:48PM  2
Unknown "them" better enemies  *Sunday November 20, 2005 @01:31AM 1 2
   attached to The Prisoner To Be Remade On U.K. TV
Re:Why is this even an issue?  *Sunday October 23, 2005 @06:27PM 1 2
   attached to The Point of Google Print
Re:Bad idea  *Wednesday October 05, 2005 @06:53PM  2
   attached to Researchers Reconstruct 1918 Flu Virus
Mod parent up  *Sunday August 14, 2005 @10:52PM  -1, Offtopic
   attached to A World of Warcraft World
Re:The Best Thing  *Tuesday August 02, 2005 @04:51PM 2 2
   attached to Using Technology to Protect Anonymous Sources?
Re:Jumping on the bandwagon  *Sunday July 10, 2005 @12:15AM 1 2
   attached to Old-Fashioned DRM Protects Harry Potter Book
Larger rocky planets?  *Monday June 13, 2005 @09:20PM 1 3, Insightful
   attached to Rocky Planet Discovered
Re:Disabled Hardware??  *Wednesday May 25, 2005 @07:59PM 2 5, Informative
   attached to Unlocking the GeForce 6800
Re:I hated them before...To Serve Man...  *Sunday May 15, 2005 @02:08AM  2
   attached to Howto - Flying Snakes
A dark poem  *Wednesday February 23, 2005 @04:01PM  2
   attached to Astronomers Find Star-Less Galaxy
I for one welcome our...er... nevermind  *Monday December 27, 2004 @11:23PM 1 2
   attached to 2004 MN4 Probably Won't Kill Us
Re:How to stop revert wars?  *Friday December 24, 2004 @07:26PM  2
   attached to Larry Sanger on Wikipedia and World
Re:true three demensionallity..  *Monday December 13, 2004 @08:04PM 2 2
   attached to 3D User Interfaces
Re:RIGHT - Err. Slightly wrong on the Neutron Bomb  *Sunday September 19, 2004 @09:08PM 3 5, Interesting
   attached to Lost Nuclear Bomb Found Off Georgia Coast?
Re:Reinstating the Draft  *Monday September 06, 2004 @05:50PM 2 2, Insightful
   attached to Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004
Re:Farscape jumped the shark..  *Wednesday August 25, 2004 @05:49PM  1
   attached to After Petition, Farscape Miniseries Trailer Online
I was targeted on my last flight...  *Sunday August 22, 2004 @08:05PM 5 3, Interesting
   attached to Defending The Skies Against Congress And The Elderly
Re:banned?  *Sunday August 15, 2004 @04:33PM 1 1
   attached to Canadian Arrow Completes Drop Test

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
