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Comment Re:You have no standing in this issue! (Score 1) 350

Political correctness? Forcing? You're really overreacting here. This is twitter's internal team. First of all, master and slave....if you don't think those are racially charged words, my guess is you don't know many black people.

I'm guessing that you don't know slavery is still implemented around the world.. Or human nature. Or the entirety of human history.

If you think the entirety of slavery has been what happened for the small blip of time of a couple of hundred years over 150 years ago, then you don't know much.

Comment Re:'slave' is racist? (Score 1) 350

I'm assuming you're going to change your handle of "Your.Master?" That's offensive. And you know, with our particularly poignant and recent history of slavery with respect to black people, it is so obvious changing your name shouldn't need to be called out every damn time something like this comes up.

Comment Re:Adapt to changing times or get left behind (Score 3, Insightful) 350

He's the one freaking out? Let's look

Seems to me that you're the snowflake.

Ok, so let's look at your message.

You remind of those greybearded idiots, who were always fat, obnoxious and unfuckable slobs

Yeah, ok. You have issues. This isn't adapting to Swift because it's better than Objective-C. This is forcing people to stick with Objective-C because something in Swift offends them. Don't you see that?

The point isn't what Twitter does or did. The point is political correctness has gone so far that it is now affecting code. And why? Because "master and slave" are racial terms. But they aren't. There are still hundreds of thousands of slaves in the Middle East and Africa and the races of each are the same.

Choice is fast going away. There is no subtlety. No nuance. It's orange man bad and disagreeing no matter what. It's "niggardly" sounds too close to another word so if anyone uses that word, destroy them. It's a rodeo clown who always wears presidential masks being fired and humiliated after wearing an Obama mask. It's any rope with a loop in it, has to be a noose because the NASCAR driver assigned to that garage happened to be half-black. Everything now is "don't think. Just assign something racist or sexist or homophobic to it and that's all the thinking required.

Controlling vocabulary is the first step to control thought.

Comment Re:This is horseshit. Doctors were taking it first (Score 1) 280


"Business Insider followed the paper trail and concluded that the holding has a maximum value of around $1,300, only slightly larger than similar holdings by Trump funds in Google parent Alphabet, FedEx, and the French bank BNP Paribas.

Here is the logic:
The Dodge & Cox holdings are mentioned in this disclosure form, logged with the US Office of Government Ethics in May 2019.
Each of three family funds list a holding in the Dodge & Cox International Stocks Fund, valued between $1,000 and $15,000.
The funds are managed by JP Morgan without any input from Trump.
According to a prospectus dated December 2019, the Dodge & Cox fund in question has Sanofi as its largest holding at 2.9%.
If all three Dodge & Cox holdings are worth the full $15,000 — $45,000 in total — then a 2.9% share of that is $1,305.
Assuming, each holding is the minimum $1,000 — a total of $3,000 — then the 2.9% stake would equate to $87."

When you say "invested" you are implying Trump has a significant stake directly in that company. So either you are ignorant or, more likely, willfully lying to push a political agenda.

Comment This is horseshit. Doctors were taking it first (Score 1) 280

There is much anecdotal evidence of many frontline doctors and nurses taking hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic for weeks before Trump even mentioned it. Where do you think he got the idea?

Look, I don't know if it works or not. There have been studies showing it does and it doesn't. Some of the "doesn't work" studies look like they under dubious circumstances at best. All of this is new. But it's shit like this that's infuriating. Trump isn't selling or making hydroxychloroquine. But every Trump hater in the world wants to frame it as if Trump just started naming hydroxychloroquine out of the blue and started prescribing it to the public.

Comment Re: Comma works. I have over 20k miles on it (Score 1) 179

Have I slipped over a line? Yes. Do I do it on a regular basis? No..

I'm willing to bet that you touch the yellow and white lines more than the Comma Two does.

Here's the deal. I'm thinking you're an average driver. Maybe even above average. But I've seen what my Comma Two does for over 20,000 miles. You haven't. You're talking out of your ass. You're basing the Comma Two stuff on your shitty car system, and yes the manufacturer's system in my car is really shitty as well, and you think you know what you are talking about. Trust me, you don't.

The Comma Two is a wonderful level 2 device. Does that mean I can sleep in my car? Nope. I have to pay attention. But there is a world of difference between your idiotic idea that it's a full sized bumper car system and one that's gone 15 million miles without an accident. You need to read more about it or watch some videos. OR even better yet, ride in a car with it.

Comment Re: Comma works. I have over 20k miles on it (Score 1) 179

So it only swings wide and hits a parked car or cuts too sharp and goes face first into the cross traffic waiting at the light?

And only once every 6 months?

I've been driving since I was 16 and haven't done either of those things ever much less every 6 months.

Your system of choice sounds super dangerous.

Sure. That's exactly what it does. It bounces your car down the road from shoulder to shoulder hitting everything.

While driving down the road, you have never slightly driven over the yellow or white lines then eased the car back?

Don't be a dumbass. Get back to me when you've driven over 15 million miles with no accident.

Comment Re:Comma works. I have over 20k miles on it (Score 1) 179

The numbers are better than that. A "fail" with comma is a turn isn't quite sharp enough or too sharp. Again, comma never jerks the steering, it kinda just leans. Figure at least 1,000 small corrections per mile, so that's 4 or 5 steering adjustments that need correction out of 200,000,000. Not too shabby.

Comma even shows they have over 15,000,000 miles driven with no accidents.

It really is remarkable.

Comment Comma works. I have over 20k miles on it (Score 1) 179

It's relatively cheap and it works 99.999 percent of the time. It's made a squirrelly arc less than five times, but nothing sharp or dramatic. It just kinda leaned over, but I'm always paying attention. Again, over 20k miles so I'll take that percentage.

Comma is cheap, easy to install, & easy to move to a different car if you need. Can't recommend it enough.

Comment I remember reading a Robert X Cringley column (Score 2) 89

probably a couple of decades ago. He was talking about the proliferation of GMO fruits and vegetables. He wasn't necessarily against them because they were GMO. What he predicted was that by creating a super version of a fruit or vegetable, farmers would grow only the best version. So if a particularly nasty strain of something attacked a fruit or vegetable, it wasn't attacking 100's of slightly different genetic makeups. It was attacking one. If that one version that everyone grew was vulnerable to whatever was attacking, then everyone's crops were vulnerable.

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