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Comment Seems okay (Score 1) 70

Honestly, throttling when the network is overloaded is perfectly fine to me. It's throttling 24/7 once you pass a threshold that is a problem to me.

Whether they should have some sort of access priority (if it's even technically available) when a First Responder etc is a different issue. This would likely be something only important during large-scale emergencies when networks get overloaded, though may not be technically practical, could be looked into.

Comment He told them he was a soldier... (Score 5, Informative) 251

They actually discussed this on NPR earlier. When applying to enter the country, he told them about his military history and asked if it would be ok. Telling Iran that you were formerly in the US army is not the kind of thing you would do if you were an actual spy.

Not to say entering Iran and telling them you used to be in the military is a good idea.

Comment The proof is in the possibility (Score 4, Insightful) 186

"Google denies that its employees deleted documents or that it instructed them to work from home in order to impede the investigation."

Only evil corporations have their employees work from home...

And everyone knows the damning evidence wasn't there because they deleted it.

If there were real consequences this might matter


Controlled Quantum Levitation Used To Build Wipeout Track 162

First time accepted submitter gentryx writes "Researchers at the Japan Institute of Science and Technology have build a miniature Wipeout track (YouTube video) using high temperature superconductors and quantum levitation. Right now this is fundamental research, but in the future large scale transportation systems could be built with technology akin to this. I have a different vision: let Nintendo sell this as an accessory for the Wii U. I'd buy several of these tracks, let the gliders race through the whole house and track them on our TV!" Update: 01/05 22:08 GMT by S : As many readers have pointed out, this is CGI.

Comment What Twitter trending means (Score 1) 294

I think it's worth mentioning that on twitter "trending" isn't just a measure of numbers. It's also a large part a measure of proportional increase. This means it's easier to get a trending topic on something that hasn't been talked about much before with a wierd hashtag.

This is a blog discussing how a tag for a gaming tournament became a trending topic.

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