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Comment I had an update forced on mr (Score 1) 106

After getting Win11 for Arm on an M4 Max Macbook and the development environment working, the shoved this in my mouth.

Result was over an hour load time for my dev environment. I uninstalled and, eventually, the load time took 15 minutes. Then, it loaded almost immediately.

Backed up the VM.

Next day, they shoved it down my throat again.
Another serious load time issue. But, now its running fine.

Wonder if its their Antivirus scanning everything before first run!

Andâ¦noâ¦.i did not enjoy having it shoved down my throat. But, my Win10 Intel VMs arent compatible.

Yeahâ¦i still have another Win11 dev environment to set up. It can waitâ¦ill run the old VMs on my old MBP

Comment Not 2FA (Score 1) 203

This is the biggest gripe about passkeys - they are not suitable for a Two-Factor Authentication mechanism.

The rule, something you know, something you have , and something you are is broken with Passkeys - it becomes something you have. Additionally, passkeys can be transferred or shared (depending upon implementation).

This is why financial institutions won't use Passkeys in their current form.

There are ways to fix the holes, but they are not in the standard yet nor a default standard.

Still, a step in the right direction.

Comment Re: How are the two chips organized... (Score 2) 24

They like to have things stuck into their bottoms?

Joking aside, they don't expect people will need to turn off their Macs - just put them to slept or reboot when necessary.

The Apple Mouse holds a charge for a long time. When you do have to charge it, you can do it overnight. Mine lasts at least 2 months a charge.

I only turn off my 2017 MBP when I travel. I can only recall having to use force shutdown twice in 7 years.

Comment Not bright enough? (Score 2) 187

Oh, they ARE bright enough. The headlights are just out of alignment and not focused on the road as they should be.

I have a 2013 Hyundai. There is no mechanism to adjust the lights. You either have to put them in correctly every time (easier said than done given the space you have to work) or have misaligned lights.

Where I live, it's not legal to retrofit LED lights. The best I can do is to install expensive halogen bulbs.

Comment And, as ususl (Score 2) 108

They don't mention that the 27 year old language, Delphi, has risen into the top 10 and displacing those so-called wonder languages.

Delphi's Object Pascal is very capable, easier to read and write over Rust, quick and backwards compatible with older code.

Still, Tiobe, goes to great measures to ignore it for years.

Comment Re: Was any existing encryption actually broken? (Score 1) 52

Symmetric ciphers, such as AES-128 or AES-256, will remain secure because breaking them requires a serious back door or decrypting with every possible key until a solution is found.

RSA and ECC are asymmetric ciphers and are based on mathematics using large integers. Quantum computers are using algorithms to either factor the public keys or crack the code.

ML-KEM is for key exchange and uses a different model using lattice math and Learning with Errors.

Not sure why Google says thing changed significantly since Kyle and ML-KEM other than object identifiers used and some possible vulnerabilities patched.

I didn't follow it too closely. But, these new PQC standards look like a good solution for when RSA and ECC are rendered vulnerable. That could be today, a decade from now, or has already happened by state players.

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