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Comment Re:Only safe way to do it... (Score 1) 171


As others have noted, you can just replace the text with "[redacted]", which also removes the length guessing.

Some people have noted some (ridiculous) concerns (like file formats storing changes, which could simply be disabled, and should be caught by the audit procedure afterwards - there is an audit, right?!?). So if you really want the print-out-and-scan-in type of dumbed down method, then:

* save to a bitmap or jpeg.
* black out the text in there need for the useless media conversion (print/scan).

Of course, that only works if you turn "track changes" off in word... :)


Comment Re:Mod parent up (Score 4, Interesting) 627

Yeah but you need a massive amount of fuel to accelerate to C and then slow down again. About 40,000 times the size of the shuttle's boosters.

Perhaps this is why, despite our best efforts, no other civilization has contacted us. It's simply too hard to bridge the huuuuge gap between the stars.

Yes, if I was going to build a universe with all sorts of playthings in it, I'd probably separate the experiments with enough spacetime that when the odd experiment blows up it doesn't really affect any others around it.

Not that I think that the universe was actually designed, but if it was, that would be how I would do it.


Networking (Apple)

Submission + - Kismac soon to become illegal (

mgv writes: "From the website: "There has not been a lot of time for KisMAC lately. However the motivation for this drastic step lays somewhere different. German laws change and are being adapted for "better" protection against something politicians obviously do not understand. It will become illegal to develop, use or even posses KisMAC in this banana republic." So, unfortunately, one of the better passive wireless network detection programs for the mac is being wound up. If you are able, download the binary and source code now."
Internet Explorer

Submission + - Firefox now serious threat to IE in Europe

Tookis writes: Mozilla's Firefox (FF) web browser has made dramatic gains on Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) throughout Europe in the past year with a marked upturn in FF use compared to IE over the past four months, according to French web monitoring service XiTiMonitor. A study of nearly 96,000 websites carried out during the week of July 2 to July 8 found that FF had 27.8% market share across Eastern and Western Europe, IE had 66.5%, with other browsers including Safari and Opera making up the remaining 5.7%. In some key European markets FF has already reached parity is threatening to overtake IE as the market leading browser.

Submission + - America's First Cellulosic Ethanol Plant (

hankmt writes: ""The state of Georgia just granted Range Fuels a permit to create the first cellulosic ethanol plant in America. HECK YES! This is very exciting...why?"

In short: First: Because cellulosic ethanol produces ethanol from cellulose, which all plants have, instead of sugar, which is only abundant in food crops. Second: Because while corn ethanol only produces 1.3 units of energy for everyone unit of energy that goes into growing the crop and converting the sugar to ethanol, cellulosic ethanol can produce as much as 16 units of energy for every one unit of energy put into the process.

The new plant will be online, producing 100 million gallons in 2008."

Nanotech Battery Claims to Solve Electric Car Woes 320

rbgrn writes "A123 Systems claims to have invented a Lithium Ion battery that not only can discharge at very high rates of current but can be recharged very quickly without damage to the cells or overheating. From their website: 'A unique feature of A123Systems' M1 cells is their ability to charge to high capacity in 5 minutes or less. That's a significant improvement over traditional Li Ion, which typically requires more than 90 minutes to reach a similar level of charge.' Using this technology, General Motors has announced a plug-in hybrid SUV and Venture Vehicles is developing a fully electric 3 wheel vehicle. Politics aside, the main technological hurdle to mass adoption of electric cars has been a fuel station replacement when driving distances beyond a single charge worth of range. Will we finally be seeing high current recharge stations in the next decade?"
The Internet

Submission + - Wikipedia: On the brink? Or crying wolf?

netbuzz writes: "Might Wikipedia "disappear" three or four months from now absent a major infusion of cash donations? The suggestion has been made by Florence Devouard, chairwoman of the Wikimedia Foundation. And while her spokesperson has since backpedaled off that dire prediction, there can be little doubt that the encyclopedia anyone can edit could use a few more benefactors to go along with all those editors. 6"

Feed Why We Love Oil (

A handy graphic levels the energy playing field and puts our petroleum infatuation in perspective. In Wired Science.

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