Journal RockDoctor's Journal: new mars stuff
Another potential one from Arxiv.
Anoxic Atmospheres on Mars Driven by Volcanism: Implications for Past
Environments and Life
The current atmosphere of Mars is low pressure, but oxidising (largely because water gets split by UV high in the atmosphere, the hydrogen is lost to space but the oxygen (hydroxyl molecules) is heavy enough (has a short enough mean free path) to be retained in the atmosphere ; the iron in the surface rocks turns red (goes to +3 oxidation state). Which is well and good, and well understood. But
This study describes a model of the influence of volcanism on the oxidation state of the Martian atmosphere. A modest (more than ~0.14cu.km per year, around 1% of Earth's rate) amount of basaltic volcanism would be able to make the current atmosphere reducing, and volcanism was likely to be more common in the past, so the atmosphere of early Mars was probably often reducing, which is generally expected to be a good thing for a local origin of life. Also, an atmosphere which changed between reducing (after a large impact or volcanism) and oxidising (under the continuing influence of solar radiation) might actually stimulate the development of interesting chemistry (a.k.a "life").
Chemical signatures of previous reducing atmospheres which could be measured with current and future Mars rovers are discussed.
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