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Comment Re:Can they use that in court to block an live str (Score -1) 172

Douchebag recording is a known loser who lives to post shit about cops and thats how he makes his living.

Cops play some music to ruin his stream. This does not impact any valid journalism or investigation, but does destroy media ambulance chasers.


Comment Wait (Score -1) 109

Did they just spin this as a complete positive?

It didn't rewrite their classification, but merely said you have to pay them the federal minimum wage. If we can only just sugar coat everything with some non-positive result and people it eat up then the world is saved.

Doctor: Thanks to some of your cells duplicating at an astonishing rate you no longer have to worry about long term medical costs! This does not impede your immediate goals of improved health care.

Comment Re:Email address maybe? (Score 0) 81

That is what most people were paying for after dial-up began to die.

There are also people who use that hideous AOL portal and curated internet.

During my ISP days, it was always interesting to discover a new AOl'er who had no concept of how a browser should work. This of course caused much despair when the 'internet' disappeared from their system after they moved to our service.

Comment Re:Next up⦠stolen goods (Score 0) 110

It's not tricky.

They could not have known the products were defective and when they found out about them they canceled the product, issued refunds and basically shuttered it in every sense of the word.

This is is just California non-sense getting interjected into actual legal proceedings. It's not going to survive a higher court.

Otherwise, we should be able to sue dealerships when cars burst into flames, if lowes sales me a defective weed eater that bursts into flames or a hardware store selling me a faulty bearing that resulted in an accident. Unless the seller knew it was defective and actively sold the product it is extremely difficult to claim intentional harm. Now, California is a different story, they make the electrical company responsible for fires when lines go down due to storms. This has results in power outages during storms.

Comment Sure (Score 1) 191

No one is going to roll out with a perfect product and why would you on a venture. You throw something up, see if it works and then iterate on that. Hopefully you get some customers along the way. The patchwork services that made up AWS in the early days were pretty frightening. I hear it is a little less of a disaster these days.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
