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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Please Pre Pay for your Rescue  *Sunday April 26, 2015 @07:51PM  1
   attached to Giant Survival Ball Will Help Explorer Survive a Year On an Iceberg
Re:I must be a genius  *Tuesday September 30, 2014 @01:21PM  1
   attached to New Research Casts Doubt On the "10,000 Hour Rule" of Expertise
Suggestion: Fisher-Price  *Wednesday October 02, 2013 @05:56AM  1
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Suitable Phone For a 4-Year Old?
Re:But of course  *Thursday September 12, 2013 @01:56AM  1
   attached to German Federal Police Helicopter Circles US Consulate
WoW Mining Today is done with bots  *Friday May 27, 2011 @01:31AM  1
   attached to China Alleged To Use Prisoners In Lucrative Internet Gaming
Re:/. Future News  *Thursday February 03, 2011 @12:49AM  1
   attached to OnLive Aiming To Become Netflix of Games
Re:The constitution is pretty vague.  *Saturday November 20, 2010 @04:51AM  2, Insightful
   attached to Whitehat Hacker Moxie Marlinspike's Laptop, Cellphones Seized
Free Game Software is the Correct Business Model  *Thursday July 10, 2008 @03:22PM  1
   attached to Free Games As a Solution To Game Piracy
Try a Programmable Controller (Arduino)  *Friday June 20, 2008 @12:25PM  2, Informative
   attached to Best Electronics Kits For Adults?

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
