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Submission + - Professional Journaling/Notes Software

netdicted writes: At the very outset of my career the importance of keeping a daily journal of activities and notes was clearly evident. Over the years I’ve always had a college ruled composition notebook nearby to jot down important ideas, instructions, tasks, etc. Putting away the rock and chisel was not optional when the volumes grew beyond my mental capacity to successfully index the contents. Over the years I’ve tried countless apps to keep a digital journal and failed miserably.

In my mind the ideal app or solution is a single file or cloud app where I can organize personal notes on projects, configurations, insights, ideas, etc.. as well as noting major activities or occurrences of the day. My original journals saved me on a number of occasions. Unfortunately my tenacity for keeping one has suffered from a fruitless search for a suitable solution. Currently I’m experimenting with Evernote [] and Tiddlywiki []. They approach the problem from two different angles.

What do you use?

Comment Re:But of course (Score 1) 239

Pax Americana (68 years = 1945 to 2013) is just getting started compared with other empires which did last longer ... Pax Romana of the Roman Empire (207 years = 27 BC to 180 AD), the Pax Britannica of the British Empire (99 years = 1815–1914) and the Pax Mongolica of the Mongol Empire (88 years = 1206 - 1294).

DHS Seizes 75+ Domain Names 529

Many readers have sent in an update to yesterday's story about the Department of Homeland Security's seizure of, a domain they believe to be involved in online piracy. As it turns out, this was just one of dozens of websites that were targeted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. "In announcing that operation, John T. Morton, the assistant secretary of ICE, and representatives of the Motion Picture Association of America called it a long-term effort against online piracy, and said that suspected criminals would be pursued anywhere in the world. 'American business is under assault from counterfeiters and pirates every day, seven days a week,' Mr. Morton said. 'Criminals are stealing American ideas and products and distributing them over the Internet.'" The TorrentFreak article we discussed yesterday has been updated with a list of the blocked sites.

Comment Free Game Software is the Correct Business Model (Score 1) 806

Just ask Blizzard Entertainment. "World of Warcraft currently holds 62% of the MMOG market at 10 million subscribers". (Reference: Yes, with over 6 million paying $14.99 per month, you can give the software away for free. That business model is working well for Blizzard.

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