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Journal Journal: Statistics

Been doing some more statistics lately, mostly in relation to my machine learning/data mining course I've been taking. ECE591Q @ NC State.

Anyway, I wanted to bookmark the article from IBM Developer Works on Statistical Programming with R. Another article @ DeveloperWorks.

My homeworks will require some programming so I've been getting myself adjusted to using Octave, a Free Software alternative to Matlab. I've got access to Matlab here @ State, but hey - why not. I can run it locally rather than having to run it over the network and I may find something to contribute.

Supposedly there are Python Bindings to R as well!! Very cool. Haven't tried it but I can see it happening....

RSOAP for Python

User Journal

Journal Journal: Blender post

Just been reading the post about the Blender release. I thought this post was pretty interesting. Is there a way PayPal could introduce some sort of escrow discussed in this article?

Go Blender!

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