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Re:Datasheet  *Thursday April 12, 2012 @03:23PM  5, Funny
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Best Book For 11-Year-Old Who Wants To Teach Himself To Program?
Re:Not a contradiction  *Monday March 26, 2012 @04:09PM 1 5, Insightful
Re:Not a contradiction  *Monday March 26, 2012 @02:29PM 2 5, Informative
Working Article Link  *Monday March 26, 2012 @01:40PM  5, Informative
Re:Not a contradiction  *Monday March 26, 2012 @01:28PM 3 5, Informative
   attached to Findings Cast Doubt On Moon Origins
Re:Mmm, paywall.  *Wednesday March 21, 2012 @04:51PM  5, Funny
   attached to Camera Can See Around Corners
Chase blows  *Sunday June 27, 2010 @06:00PM  2
   attached to Chase Bank May Drop Support of Chrome, Opera
Re:nothing special...  *Thursday July 23, 2009 @03:32PM  2
   attached to People Emit Visible Light
Re:Or earth could turn into an elephant  *Thursday June 11, 2009 @10:00AM 1 3, Informative
Re:No big deal here  *Thursday June 11, 2009 @09:52AM 2 2
Re:Or earth could turn into an elephant  *Thursday June 11, 2009 @09:47AM 2 2
   attached to Earth Could Collide With Other Planets
Bad Title  *Monday June 08, 2009 @02:20PM  4, Informative
   attached to Black Hole Swallows Star
How you can use it now...  *Friday May 15, 2009 @09:47PM 1 2
   attached to Wolfram Alpha Launches Tonight, On Camera
Re:why did it take so long?  *Sunday June 29, 2008 @10:38PM 4 5, Insightful
   attached to Of the D.C. v. Heller decision, I think it's a
Re:good thing many people have the sites sourcecod  *Wednesday October 24, 2007 @08:54PM  2
   attached to Microsoft to Pay $240 Million for Stake in Facebook
Wow  *Wednesday October 24, 2007 @11:22AM 5 0, Offtopic
   attached to Wolfram's 2,3 Turing Machine Is Universal!
I can't wait to see...  *Wednesday July 11, 2007 @06:42PM  2
   attached to Digitizing 100 Years of Astronomical Data
Re:I'd like to see  *Friday June 29, 2007 @09:11PM  2
Re:I'd like to see  *Friday June 29, 2007 @07:26PM 1 2
   attached to Google Maps Now Does Interactive Re-Routing
Re:So...  *Wednesday June 20, 2007 @09:30PM 1 2
   attached to Black Hole Information Loss Paradox Solution Proposed
Also  *Saturday June 16, 2007 @11:14AM 1 5, Funny
   attached to Safari for Windows Downloaded Over 1 Million Times
Great  *Thursday May 10, 2007 @07:05PM 6 5, Funny
   attached to Sounds Bring Google Earth to Life
Re:Not very long...  *Tuesday May 01, 2007 @03:56PM 1 1, Offtopic
Re:Not very long...  *Tuesday May 01, 2007 @03:52PM 1 -1, Redundant
   attached to Censoring a Number

Friction is a drag.
