Comment Re: And also because they have to (Score 1) 124
Voice commands aren't here yet, right, Siri?
Siri: Go and ask that b--h, Alexa-whats-her-face to do your bidding
"Geez, Siri, tell me how you really feel"
Voice commands aren't here yet, right, Siri?
Siri: Go and ask that b--h, Alexa-whats-her-face to do your bidding
"Geez, Siri, tell me how you really feel"
They just couldn't print out the names, because they were struggling with the challenge of printing out the Chinese characters. Hey, cut them some slack;
Out of the millions being tried and tested was the reject whose only defect was that it didn't like Mondays.
We're about a hundred comments in and nobody --as in not a single soul--has mentioned a rocket launcher.
There are people stuck in far worse situations.
You're not them.
You can choose what to do next.
LSF - Large Scale Fire
VLSG - Very Large Scale Fire
SGB.-.She's Gonna Blow
FIH the Hole
KYAG Kiss Your A$$ Goodbye
NUK - Nucular
TDF Tierra del Fuego (import from South of the border)
But my blood pressure goes through the roof!
There, did you feel that?
"Feel what?"
That tone
"What tone?"
That smugness in his voice!
The guests were enjoying the fine wine and hors-d'ouerves when one guest had to bring up the unfortunate topic of copyright. The AI splashed his wine on the guest, and stormed out
So there's no chance the guy will wind up in federal pound-me-in -the-a$$ prison?
First word. Or do I have to contact law enforcement to find out. Come on, exitors, sorry I meant editors or this will be the one and only time I will ask for a refund.
Or move to the industrialized third world country your coworkers just escaped from. Live like a
spy on per diem, struggling each day, until you get your first black market laptop. Then you work on the beach.
When they find out you don't have to take a shower before heading out.
When the first thin sliced meat lovers pizza delivery has been confirmed, by one of the undersea scientists, people will come
Please do not use B.R.A.I.N. when applying for a job in AI field.
If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy