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Comment Re:PCI-DSS and others (Score 1) 154

If you pass a PCI audit, and then get credit card data stolen because of an uncompliant practice that the auditors missed, then you're fracked (i.e., fully liable) anyway. THAT is the point of PCI - to ensure that the industry pays for nothing, and both compliance costs and fraud costs are on your (merchant) shoulders.

      You wouldn't even get a refund from the auditors for not checking most basic things, they tend to have their legal homework done perfectly even if they are sloppy in the actual audit.

Comment Re:Why are we still using passwords? (Score 2) 245

I have around a hundred places online where I have been requested to "make an account" so I have one there. For almost all of them, "123456" and "password" would be too complex passwords - I'd prefer to use a blank one. I don't care about those accounts - and I don't want to care. I don't even want to have those accounts - they're usually a stupid marketing decision by the site owners to offer personalization (that I don't care about) and fight spam (which is somewhat understandable).

Would it really be appropriate to force me to fake caring by choosing "Pas$w0001234567rd", and writing it on a post-it on my monitor and also in a text file on my desktop folder?

I have good passwords for my bank account, my e-mail account and my dropbox account. For other accounts, anything more complex than 'password' is overkill that decreases my security because I won't easily remember the important passwords.

Comment The same as everywhere else (Score 1) 177

Pretty much all democratic countries have prohibited political advertising or campaigns during the voting event for some 24-72 hours.

It's only appropriate 'digital attitude' to note that this restriction doesn't apply only to radio and TV campaigns, but applies to everywhere, including Twitter and Facebook as well.

Comment Re:Source on Gamification (Score 1) 111

" There's little attempt to really explore the possibilities of multi-player.'

On the contrary, companies like Zynga have explored and researched the possibilities of social interaction a hundred times more that most game designers, tweaking all the tiny elements to an optimum range that works on the hairless apes on Facebook - that is then copied to all the games.

All these shallow elements that you mention - they work. They keep the most amount of players coming back. The recovery rate of "energy levels" and waiting time of various in-game activities are tweaked to have the most people log in back to the game. The allowed interactions between you and your "neighbors" are tuned to drive you to interact with as many of them as possible and have players motivate each other to stay in game.

Deep player-to-player interaction and tough challenges ? Meaningful interaction between Johnny-avatar and Jimmy-avatar with actual choices requires non-zero effort and has a chance of conflict, and has less cases where Johnny pokes Jimmy out-of-game saying 'log in now and assist me on Genericville!'. So they are deliberately filtered out of the design because clearly they bring poorer results.

If you want the truth, don't listen to what people say about their preferences, but look at what they do. No matter what features and gameplay people say that they want, they have shown with their mouse clicks what game features they are actually playing, and these Facebook games have proven that (most) people actually want a stupid button that gives out shiny reward-like emotions at an optimal interval.
  After all these manipulations, more people come back to Zynga games than they come back to "proper, good, serious, deep" games. I'm not saying that this is good, but that's how it is in real life - no matter what gamers or critics or designers might say, in practice for every person that would even consider playing FPS or RTS there are ten that prefer Farmville.
Ergo, if a game design theory says that Farmville is inferior to a good FPS or a good RTS or a good RPG, then the theory is simply flawed and false, as it doesn't match what we are seeing in real life. And it's useless to argue about how it should be - just as gravity makes balls roll downwards, our brain reward chemistry makes some "social" gameplay elements more effective than others.

Comment Re:Pres. Medvedev is a great troll! (Score 1) 293

In addition, very often the 'music rights' money should not go to the performing group even if they are performing their own songs. Typically one or two members are the songwriters, so they get these funds, not the whole band; also, it's quite likely that on their setlist they can have some songs that were part-written by some band member which is no longer 'in the band', but deserves a share of that money.

Comment Re:Experienced only? (Score 2) 948

I've been coding full-time for ~10 years, but there's nothing that I would be able to show to another employer, as the apps are held within previous employers.

By headcount, a majority of developers work in internal projects in large non-IT corporations, the public web projects, startups and software sold to consumers are much more visible, but ultimately the smaller half of programming industry.

Comment Re:Correct (Score 1) 665

The user percieved benefits of https are small - so small in fact, that even when IE6 drops to 1% it would make more business sense to offer the unsecure version as default rather than alienate that 1%.

And right now IE6 market share is still large enough to be a must-have support in many markets.

Comment Re:Godzilla (Score 1) 1148

This statement seems false: "Renewable, on the other hand, could potentially deliver all the energy we need once sufficiently developed and without massive changes to the landscape or lifestyles."

Hydro can't deliver all the energy we need. Solar/wind/geothermal might be done on the scale we want, but with massive changes to the landscape and nearly unsolvable power storage and transmission issues.

The renewable energy (exept hydro) types carry problems of generating power when nature wants, not when we need electricity for peak usage hours - so we need to keep huge fossil fuel power stations to be able to burn whenever there's a gap, and/or (most likely and) huge power storage facilities that would store power generated during off-hours so it's not completely wasted - but we don't know how to make such storage yet, pumped-lake hydro currently is best but lacks such capacity and creating more of it = massive changes to landscape.

Renewable energy such as wind/solar also has the issue that generally the more energy needs a place has (say, large northern urban areas needing electricity+heating) the less suitable it is for generating energy. Electricity transmission is not simple and it is not cheap - generating NY worth of power half the country away and getting it there would mean greatly increasing the power needs due to transmission losses, and lots of landscape changing and private property reclaiming for big new transmission lines.

Comment Re:maybe reply-all should automatically be bcc? (Score 1) 256

Reply-all should reply to all - but in many cases, the initial e-mail should contain addresses in bcc; so that any reply-all would reply only to the sender.

In normal usage, when a message is sent to 2-3-5-7 persons for discussion, any replies *should* go out to all of them by default, I've often seen people accidentally reply to sender only and then having to re-send the message to others.

Comment Re:Is it worth it? (Score 1) 290

I'd say that to arrange a working network interlink between two 200km points, you quite a lot of coordination and communication between these points, just to do the task.

The same communication channel that's needed for building this link can be used for, well, uploading news of the battle directly instead of building another network link.

If there is no such channel - well, then you can't build the new link as well, too bad.

Comment Re:Logical actions (Score 1) 279

Also, as in most other crime, the easiest way to get a lead to the criminal is by following the money / tracking who benefits from the crime.

Having a fraudulent app spam your premium number isn't proof of your wrongdoing, but it certainly is grounds for investigation, and proper policing should have a decent chance of identifying who/if was getting paid from this money and turn a virtual crime into real jail time.

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