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Comment Re:What is "safety critical"? (Score 2, Insightful) 36

As far as I know, BMW has been using QNX for quite a while, and with fairly good results. I can only guess at why they want to embrace Linux more, and my two top guesses are availability of developers, and to prevent QNX from squeezing too much blood from them by helping create a viable alternative, whether they choose to use it or not.

Comment Re:yes, let's leave the touting for fake cures (Score 1) 199

I had the same experience as you - statins caused muscle pain and even cramps. Exercise is what worked; statins did not make anything better except blood tests.

And newer studies show that lowering your cholesterol with medication doesn't have much benefit anyhow. Yes, there is a correlation between high LDL cholesterol and heart disease, but not a causation. Being out of shape causes both high LDL cholesterol and heart disease, but high LDL is an indicator and not the problem. Lowering it just doesn't cure the underlying problem, much like pain killers doesn't cure what causes the pain.

Comment Re: What about the other way (Score 1) 317

Where Facebook is headquartered is irrelevant (and not just because this thread is about YouTube and not Facebook). The publishers of the videos accept the jurisdiction of the countries they choose to publish to. If they want to not publish across borders, they can mark their videos as not to be available elsewhere. If they don't, they accept that they have to follow the laws, and Youtube has an obligation to take them down if they are illegal.

Comment Re:This is all about Gillette (Score 1) 317

1. "Masculinity" is not the problem. It is lack of masculinity. Boys raised in female headed households, without a strong male role model, are more likely to grow up to be violent and abusive toward women.

This is incorrect. The strongest correlation for violent abusers is that they themselves were violently abused.

2. "Online bullying" is attributed to "toxic masculinity", but is actually almost entirely a female-on-female phenomena.

While not "almost entirely", it does indeed to be overrepresented.
My guess as to why is that women have a biological drive towards establishing a pecking order, and establishing a pecking order tends to involve pecking.

Comment Re: What about the other way (Score 0) 317

Sure they do, they take down pro Trump stuff all the time.

Pro-Trump videos stay up as long as they don't also contain illegal content like hate speech, which hosting companies are required to remove by law.
It's not a difficult concept to get where freedom of expression rights begin and end - your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.

Comment Re:And the result is more false positives (Score 1) 72

And, the result is more false positives ...

In the past 6 to 8 weeks, I found several emails from people I know in the Spam folder.

It's worse than that. Perfectly legitimate e-mail gets outright rejected before it makes it to the spam folder. As a recipient, you won't even know, and have no way of finding out.

Comment Re:Props when deserved (Score 1) 72

Although, it does seem to be a bit aggressive sometimes.

No kidding. About a third of my e-mails to friends who use gmail get blocked, and I have to find an e-mail from them to reply to not to get it blocked. These are all personal e-mails with no links, no mention of products, and really nothing that makes them appear to be spam to any human.
And given that much of the e-mail get through, it's not any blocking due to the sender address or sending server either.
My advice right now to my friends is to to ditch gmail due to this - they risk not getting quite a lot of legitimate e-mail, and not even knowing.

Comment Re:Google docs (Score 2) 339

Or Scrivener for those of us who write books and don't care about presentation and "pages", but care a lot more about typing than clicking.
Libreoffice is even worse - I don't like having to wait a minute for reformatting because I changed WA to Washington on "page" 3 and now need to jump back to "page" 700.

Comment Re:Biological (Score 1) 125

This is a myth. In earlier times, average lifespan was short because of high childhood mortality. But if you made it past 5, you were likely to live to 50, 60, or 70.

No, that is a myth.
From Wikipedia, in Classical Greece, "Based on Athens Agora and Corinth data, total life expectancy at 15 would be 37â"41 years"

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