Comment Re:Reads like ChatGPT wrote the summary (Score 1) 46
Well, when you consider the Professor's name, the suspicion is that a cat wrote it.
Well, when you consider the Professor's name, the suspicion is that a cat wrote it.
"Because classical information needs to be sent, quantum teleportation cannot occur faster than the speed of light."
Then don't send it in Greek, dummy!
It's not air-gapped. There's a fiber cable linking the two boxes.
It's therefore not teleportation either. Gotta love ignorant journalism.
...Does this "single anonymous private investor with deep pockets" have a white cat?
I don't know. Can you say "corrosion-resistant" and "copper" in the same sentence? From personal observation copper isn't resistant to corrosion at all.
I'm sure there must be more suitable materials to use.
Never been to Switzerland, then.
No. Your service stops working. You are at liberty to take out a new plan with another carrier at that point, but your handheld computing device will still do everything else but make or receive calls if you don't. Ever heard of WiFi?
You mean, switch to a computer with a spell checker.
Actually, we do.
Difference is, they only let responsible people use them.
How much trouble is it to replace a AA battery in a low-draw device every 2.5 years?
So you're quite happy to undergo a major operation every 2.5 years for the rest of your life to have that pacemaker battery replaced?
T2 Linux seems to be all about running Linuix on Apple hardware.
Yes. As it stands, this isn't a router unless you do WiFi and nothing else.
I would call this a gateway firewall which would have at least one real router behind it.
Um, no. Europe set their clocks back last week. We had an extra hour in bed.
Australia, on the other hand, is in spring not fall so they would put their clocks forward.
It's called "All our users use phones like we do. What's a laptop?"
How much worse would google search get?
Google still does search? Who knew?
Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.