Subject | Datestamp | Replies | Score | |||
Re:Hey, maybe Stephen Hawking was right! | ||||||
attached to Journal Discussion: Genesis as Kindergarten Science, day 3 | ||||||
Re:Why are you here? | ||||||
Re:What a load of | ||||||
Re:Why are you here? | ||||||
Re:Religious spam on Slashdot | ||||||
Re:Religious spam on Slashdot | ||||||
Re:What a load of | ||||||
attached to Journal Discussion: Genesis as Kindergarten Science:: Day 1 | ||||||
Re:Moo | ||||||
attached to Journal Discussion: Genesis as Kindergarten Science? 1:1 | ||||||
Re:Moo | ||||||
attached to Journal Discussion: Would Genesis be a way to teach science to Kindergarteners? | ||||||
Re:Moo | ||||||
Re:Moo | ||||||
Re:Moo | ||||||
Re:Moo | ||||||
attached to Journal Discussion: The Hideout | ||||||
Re:Working with? [Re:well well well] | ||||||
attached to Clinton Campaign: Russia Leaked Emails to Help Trump | ||||||
Re:Already read about this on | ||||||
attached to BeagleBone Black Released With 1GHz Cortex-A8 For Only $45 | ||||||
Re:A comment - or two. | ||||||
attached to Journal Discussion: Creation | ||||||
Re:Oy vey | ||||||
Re:Oy vey | ||||||
Re:Oy vey | ||||||
attached to Journal Discussion: Solving Culture war issues by making Legal Code more like C | ||||||
Dream the dream of days gone by... | ||||||
attached to Gtk 3.2 Will Let You Run Applications In a Browser | ||||||
To answer the original question... | ||||||
Re:I don't get it | ||||||
attached to Software SSD Cache Implementation For Linux? | ||||||
Re:Poor communication skills | ||||||
Re:Poor communication skills | ||||||
attached to Why "Running IT As a Business" Is a Bad Idea | ||||||
egrep -n '^[a-z].*\(' $ | sort -t':' +2.0