Comment Re: Mindshare (Score 1) 147
And as far as I can tell those are the 'newest' Win8.1 handsets. Bought that flagship Lumia 1020? Well fuck you!
And as far as I can tell those are the 'newest' Win8.1 handsets. Bought that flagship Lumia 1020? Well fuck you!
No, look, if Charlie Hebdo hadn't published their 'hate speech' then those terrorist attacks wouldn't have happened. So they've fixed the 'problem', by getting rid of the 'hate speech'.
This is some bullshit, will they be taking back my 10Gb 'loyalty bonus' as well?
I'm only using 20Gb as it is. Guess I'll just have to move it elsewhere.
All the best cartoons were shown on Saturday mornings either during Going Live / Live& Kicking or the ITV equivalent; X Men, Spiderman, The Racoons, Animaniacs, Batman: TAS, Rugrats, Mysterious Cities of Gold and a heap of others I probably forget.
Then there was Disney Club on Sunday which had Gummi Bears, Tailspin, etc
It was a trick question, geothermal requires fracking
If only there were groups of people releasing some sort of.. crack?.... that could avoid all this should this eventuality ever occur.
How many solar panels would be required to 'pave over death valley'? Millions? Billions? how many miles of cable would be required? How long would this feat take? So long that by the time you install the last panel you're having to replace the first again? If you're going to make a suggestion like that, how about you include some math to show this is actually possible? I'll get you started, Death Valley is 3000square miles. Off you go.
That's the point of the IPO!
Funded by what? What is NK exporting that gives them money to actually buy shit?
Ah yes, the good old days of British telecom, where you were put on a waiting list of months to have a phone line installed and you could only pick one model of telephone in a choice of three colours.
"The pressures are generally quite the opposite under the NHS. It's generally a brilliant service, considering it's free to us "
Yeah, free at point of entry maybe. Unless you're suspected of having some critical illness, try getting an MRI scan that doesn't involve a 3-6month wait. Of course, they'll happily take £500 off you to speed it along.
It's more sinister than that. By going down the road of always online DRM they ensure that only one Origin account holder can only play one game from their Origin library at any given time.
If all their future games were to have this DRM then you can't play Game X whilst your spouse or siblings play Game Y on another computer in the house.
Depending on what consoles you own have you tried using their controllers with your PC for those games that would benefit?
Um, Borderlands 2 is £14.99 RIGHT NOW
Alan Wake is £5.74
Max Payne 3 was recently available for £7.49
The irony of this being that back in the day Facebook would ask to rifle through your Hotmail (and probably others) contacts to add them on Facebook!
Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner