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Comment Re:Nonesense (Score 1) 104

I think all we can say is that abiogenesis has happened AT LEAST ONCE on Earth (assuming you don't hold with panspermia or similar theories). It's quite possible that it has happened multiple times but that the resulting organism then died for other reasons. E.g. It may have drifted into an area too hot/cold/acidic/alkaline for it to survive, or if it happened today it could be rapidly eaten by an amoeba several billion years ahead of it in its evolution.

Comment Re:How many G's is that? (Score 3, Informative) 176

Assuming you still have room to accelerate that's 30 days of n Gs one way, and n G's the other way to decelerate.
How many is n G's?

This is news for nerds... We can do math.
At closest approach, Mars is about 55 million km away (5.5E10m). So turn-around at about 2.75E10m.
One month is roughly 30*24*3600 = 2.6E6s
Assuming constant acceleration: d=0.5at^2 or a=2d/t^2
So unless my maths is very wrong that's a constant acceleration of 0.016/m/s or about 0.0016g. With a maximum speed of about 41.5 km/s
If we could manage a constant 1g acceleration, you could do the trip in about 58 hours.

Comment Re:Needs to be larger (Score 1) 87

Connect to a car, and Apple Music will launch. Doesn't matter if you're doing something else at the time, even if it's using Apple's own Podcast app, iOS will always launch Apple Music and interrupt it.

My iPhone does not do this. I get in the car and the podcast app picks up exactly where it left off.

Comment Re:Windmills prevent vultures. So do lots of thing (Score 5, Informative) 50

The biggest killer of vultures in Africa is humans. Specifically ivory poachers.
If you kill an elephant, you'll need a hour or more to remove the tusks. But you'll have a flock of vultures (and other scavengers) circling overhead within minutes. This gives your location away to game wardens.
So poachers have taken to killing another animal (zebra, gazelle, anything) in the vicinity and lacing the corpse with poison. The vultures then feed on that and die within minutes. Leaving a gap in the local scavenger population that can be used to poach ivory without giving your location away.
One poisoning incident can kill several hundred scavengers. So many species of vulture in Africa are critically endangered.
Some more information here: https://www.hawk-conservancy.o...

Comment Re:Lighter (Score 1) 121

The article says it will be lighter, no longer bound by the 4GB memory limit.
How does that work?

Visual Studio runs as a dozen or more processes currently. The main reason for that is that if it ran as a single process it would easily pass the 4GB limit. So going to 64bit could allow processes to be combined and a lot of inter-process communication could be dropped. Which could make it lighter overall, though the combined processes would look a lot fatter.

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