Divorce sucks and the courts are SO biased against men/for women that it's pathetic
One thing I used to find where we wanted to live was Greatschools (www.greatschools.org) They base their ratings on standardized tests and parent input. I think it's better then nothing. What also is interesting is that teachers WANT to work at Ithan and the other schools in the Radnor School District-even though they pay quite a bit less money then the school district next door (Lower Merion School District).
In Philadelphia proper there are a lot of charter schools-some good, some average and some poor. Many of them are 'culturally diverse', meaning they teach a particular culture (unlike Gabriella which though the students were mainly Hispanic taught the 3 Rs plus English). I think that schools should concentrate on EDUCATING children more and LESS on celebrating cultural diversity, because good grades and a degree are more important to a future employer then that.
If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing on my shoulders. -- Hal Abelson