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Submission + - Radio Group Entercom gets Ramsomwared. (

Newer Guy writes: Entercom, One of the USA's largest radio broadcasting companies has been hacked by Ransomware. It apprenly came in through a programming computer and has taken out their email and servers. All their radio stations have been affected. The ransomware people demanded half a million dollars to restore things; Entercom refused to pay.

Comment What's to stop the National Police? (Score 1) 176

So, what's to stop the 'National Police' from blocking any damn site they want and as for as long as they want to? I mean once the site is blocked, it's gone for at least six months and no one can SEE what's on it that whole time. And at the end of the six months - if THEY say it is so (in their sole opinion) it gets blocked another six months! Where are the 'checks and balances' here? Who oversees what sites the 'National Police' blocks? No one. This is CENSORSHIP of the Internet by the Government - pure and simple.

Comment I had to do this once. (Score 1) 362

I work in broadcasting. A company essentially wanted to 'try me out'. They flew my entire family (4) from Boston to Oregon, put us up in a Holiday Inn resort (upscale from the usual HI), rented me a car and gave me 50 dollars a day for food. I had to work 8:30 - 4:30 for ten days for free. On the last day they offered me a job. I almost took it, but decided to go to Los Angeles at the last minute. Unfortunately, I burned a bridge with them.

Comment My Ex wife's trick.. (Score 4, Interesting) 400

I moved to California after my wife lied to the police and got me arrested for Domestic Violence. The charges were dismissed, but my arrest record still exists. After the Family and Probate Court ordered visitation, and I would fly back to Massachusetts to visit with my 3 kids, she would go to court A in the county, tell them she was 'afraid of me' and get an emergency Restraining Order, making it impossible for the visit to happen. The Family Court would get this dismissed, but not until AFTER I had gone back to California. Then the pattern would repeat, this time she'd go to court B, etc, etc., etc. This continued for over 3 years until she literally had RUN OUT OF COURTS! She even had the balls to have me served with the Restraining Order in the hallway of the Family Court, but had the server wait until AFTER our Judge had gone home for the weekend so it couldn't be fixed until Tuesday (3 day weekend) and I was flying back to CA on Monday! BOY was the judge's clerk pissed! I couldn't even call my kids to explain why we weren't meeting-so the clerk called them for me. As a result my oldest not only will not see or talk with me, but also changed her last name to my ex's maiden name when she turned 18. Now she wants to be my friend so I pretend to be (Keep your friends close AND your enemies closer!).

Divorce sucks and the courts are SO biased against men/for women that it's pathetic

Comment I can't afford to change my plan (Score 2) 851

I have a 10 old retention plan from Sprint that's too good to replace. I get 2500 anytime minutes shared among 5 phones (in 4 different area codes), nights and weekends starting at 7 PM, unlimited long distance, unlimited phone to phone minutes, unlimited texting, unlimited 3G data pack, unlimited photo pack, and an Airave hot spot-all for 110 dollars a month, including all taxes and fees. To change my plan so I could use a smart phone would at least double my monthly cost, si I have the smartest dumb phone I can have, an LG Rumour Touch.

Comment Charter schools CAN be part of the answer (Score 1) 496

My daughter went to an inner city charter school in Los Angeles for kindergarten (Gabriella Charter School)-and got an excellent education. They integrate dance into their curriculum-which is quite rigorous. We moved to the Philadelphia area (New job) and she goes to one of the best public schools in the Philly area (Ithan Elementry School in Radnor, PA). She loves her new school, but what I find interesting is that she had more homework as a kindergartner at Gabriella then she had as a first grader at Ithan!

One thing I used to find where we wanted to live was Greatschools ( They base their ratings on standardized tests and parent input. I think it's better then nothing. What also is interesting is that teachers WANT to work at Ithan and the other schools in the Radnor School District-even though they pay quite a bit less money then the school district next door (Lower Merion School District).

In Philadelphia proper there are a lot of charter schools-some good, some average and some poor. Many of them are 'culturally diverse', meaning they teach a particular culture (unlike Gabriella which though the students were mainly Hispanic taught the 3 Rs plus English). I think that schools should concentrate on EDUCATING children more and LESS on celebrating cultural diversity, because good grades and a degree are more important to a future employer then that.

Comment Good audio does not have to be expensive. (Score 1) 450

There are many reasonably priced audio components that produce great audio..As an example, the Grado SR60 headphones make great sound-and list for 80 dollars. Ebay has many hybrid tube/mosFET headphone amplifiers that sell in the 50-70 dollar range (including shipping). An example is here: Or, for piortable use, this one is great-and also inexpensive: If you know how to, you can also roll your own pretty cheaply-start with the National Semiconductor LM4562 dual opamp.True audiophile performance for $1.10!

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