Journal Journal: The Gripe Gripe Thread... 4
I have lots of silly little complaints in the world that really aren't worth dedicating a whole thread to. I just like to get them off my chest, out in the open, and blow off some steam. Feel free to add your own gripes. If something's niggling at you, heck just let it out.
I'll start:
I hate the way people take silly risks while they're driving just to shave a few precious seconds to their destination. I was driving down a street tonight, and somebody pulled out of a grocery store lot and made a left turn, causing them to cross 3 lanes of traffic. Fortunately, it wasnt that dangerous, traffic was light and I didn't have to slow down a whole lot. But I still feel like that risk was unnecesary. Make a right turn, and a couple of lefts at a stoplight. Do you lose a couple of minutes? Sure. Are you going to get T-boned that way? Not likely.