W00t baby!!
I made it onto someone's (ben there... (946946)) "foe list"! Which, according to him, I'm either a Mac Fanboi, a troll and/or an asshole...
Glad to be of service! My guess is that I'm a "Mac fanboi", though I'm a tad old to be a "boi" anything...
No matter! I'm simply pleased that I help give a meaning to life for someone who's existence is obviously so meager that he needs to amuse himself by adding people who may otherwise have a good thought worthy opinion to his foe list.
Granted, I can be a "prick" once in a while and I'm not outside of being a Mac User (I do avoid dribbling when at all possible), but I generally have good intentions and I feel I at least make a heartfelt attempt to better whichever discussion I involve myself in.
Regardless, I have no problems with this guy and he is more than welcome to hate me simply because I own a Mac or perhaps I am occasionally blunt... who knows? Despite your best intentions pal, you will still amuse me, so I'm leaving you in my "Freaks" list and I strongly encourage you to continue on with your little quest!
RAM wasn't built in a day.