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Comment Movies should be about... (Score 1) 222

...telling interesting stories, not about pushing political views
If a good story happens to include a reference to climate change, fine, as long as it's primarily a good story
The problem with activists is that all they care about is making their political point. This seems to be common in video games, where activists don't seem to care about stability or good gameplay as long as the game pushes their political agenda

Comment Re:Good bye empathy.. Hello sociopath (Score 1) 118

If you are referring to tech support, things can't get any worse than they are now
Tech support is seen as a cost to be minimized, so companies provide the bare minimum
If you can actually reach a person after lots of frustration with robots, the person is usually barely competent at best, reading from a script
I look forward to a time when a tech support AI has access to all technical details about a product, including all known problems and their solutions and can answer questions accurately, in full technical detail

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