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Comment Sony Xperia Z Ultra handwriting recognition (Score 1) 124

The Sony Xperia Z Ultra has a handwriting recognition "keyboard" as well, and it can even recognize ballpoint pens and many other objects as a stylus. (No S-pen required.)

It's a bit bigger than a Note though, 6.4" screen. I keep mine in my jacket pocket and think of it more as a PDA than a phone, and use a bluetooth to answer calls rather than put it next to my face. :)

Comment Re:Returning start-up drop outs? (Score 1) 163

Pretty much, the quality of everything from the +5 posts to the troll posts used to be a lot higher a decade ago. Now, even the trolls lack imagination and much of the "insightful" posting is just parroting whatever group think is en vogue at the moment.

Someone who's nearly the millionth user, number 940851, shouldn't be commenting on the "good old days". (Neither should I, but I'm not doing that. :) )

Comment Re:Nonsense (Score 1) 376

Throwing away my mod points for this. George W. Bush started offering subsidized mobile phones to poor people because it's actually more expensive to give them a land-line. (Prepaid phone service is also priced cheaper than a land-line, something poor people get when they don't qualify for a free phone.) Also, would you rather have people who need to apply for work, and need emergency services, have no phone at all? I suspect the way that it keeps poor people from being unable to apply for jobs at all pays for itself program-wise. (A third of all welfare recipients get off of welfare within 3 years time, would you rather they be unable to apply for jobs because they can't afford a phone?)

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