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Comment Accept all cookies instead (Score 2) 228

I often use an incognito window or a privacy browser (like firefox focus), which gives me a cookie wall everytime I visit a website. I wish it would be possible to tell their cookies aren't saved any longer than needed and I can't be tracked that way (and they don't have to show me their cookie wall).

Comment Missing functionality (Score 1) 151

Hmm I'm using Fedora on my server/home theater PC and work/home notebook and I've tried Wayland but it had some limitations. When the mouse pointer changes from arrow to a caret (for example) the mouse motion seems to slow down. Recently I've discoved xdotool and obviously it doesn't work with Wayland. Let's hope X11 will be supported for awhile until this things are fixed.

Comment Re:How's that again? (Score 1) 284

I once enabled strict hostkey checking and created a global known hosts file, because all users had a (different, out dated) ~/.ssh/known_hosts. We had about 500 different SSH servers. I tried to explain why it is important not to send your credentials without checking the hostkey but no one understood it. Some (managers) even requested me to disable the host key checking altogether or let anyone update the known hosts automatically.

Comment Andre Kuipers blog article about this event (Score 1) 87


Mystery of the 'Chupacabra' May Be Solved 94

rhettb writes "The mystery of the legendary chupacabra, a beast said to drain the blood of domestic animals at night, has been solved, according to a University of Michigan scientist. Biologist Barry O'Connor says that most chupacabra sightings are probably linked to coyotes with mange, a disease caused by the same species of mite that triggers scabies in humans. Severe cases of mange cause hair loss and thickening of skin in wild dogs and can lead to bacterial skin infections that produce a foul odor characteristic of the 'chupacabra.' Wombats and squirrels are also susceptible to mange, suggesting that chupacabra are found in trees and Down Under."

Hard-to-Read Fonts Improve Learning 175

arkenian writes "Difficult-to-read fonts make for better learning, according to scientists. The finding is about to be published in the international journal Cognition. Researchers at Princeton University employed volunteers to learn made-up information about different types of aliens — and found that those reading harder fonts recalled more when tested 15 minutes later. The article goes on to note a second test in a real school environment: 'Keen to see if their findings actually worked in practice, the Princeton University team then tested their results on 222 students aged between 15 and 18 at a secondary school in Chesterfield, Ohio.'... 'Students given the harder-to-read materials scored higher in their classroom assessments than those in the control group. This was the case across a range of subjects — from English, to Physics to History.'"

How Chat and Youth Are Killing the Meeting 205

dominique_cimafranca writes "Forbes columnist Dan Woods describes a change in the way some companies handle meetings. Owing to instant messaging and younger tech-savvy CEOs, meeting time has gone down from as much as 30 hours per week to as little as 2 hours per week. Woods proposes ways to make this 'meetingless' management effective."

Intel and Nokia Provide First MeeGo Release 115

wehe writes "The first fruit of the cooperation between Intel and Nokia is available: the first release of MeeGo. MeeGo is a merge of the former Maemo and Moblin Linux distros. What is available now is 'The MeeGo distribution infrastructure and the operating system base from the Linux kernel to the OS infrastructure up to the middleware layer. The MeeGo architecture is based on a common core across the different usage models, such as netbooks, handheld, in-vehicle, and connected TV.' The images available now for download are suitable for Intel Atom-based netbooks, ARM-based Nokia N900, and Intel Atom-based handset (Moorestown). RPM repositories as well as git source repositories are there for download, too."
Operating Systems

Hacker Will Try To Restore Linux Support On PS3 468

Many readers have been sending in news of the impending PS3 firmware update that will remove the ability to install other operating systems on the console. (We discussed it here on Sunday.) Over the past few days, legions of PS3 owners have been voicing their anger at Sony's decision, upset that they'll be forced to either lose their custom install or forgo use of the PlayStation Network and be unable to play certain games and movies. Now, hacker George Hotz, known for his iPhone jailbreaks and his PS3 hack earlier this year, has vowed to fight back and restore Linux support on the PS3. He said, "The PlayStation 3 is the only product I know that loses features throughout its lifecycle. Software PS2 emulation, SACD playback, and OtherOS support are all just software switches you can flip. It's unbelievable you would go and flip one, not just on new boxes you are shipping, but on tens of millions already in the field."

Comment Re:Content filtering :0 (Score 1) 252

>if an employee or student can get their work done while using Facebook, Myspace, etc. more power to them Sorry but you were hired to do work for a company and for socializing. Wanna socialize do it on your brakes or your own non paid time. If you can't put away your personal things for the time you are being paid at work then you need better discipline/work ethic or be more creative with your work time.

5 Reasons Tablets Suck, and You Won't Buy One 553

Crazzaper writes "When the iPad was announced, a lot of people who didn't care about tablets came out to bash Apple's new device. These same people said 'I would have bought it if it had a full OS,' but in reality full OS tablets existed before the iPad rumors even started. This article gives an interesting perspective on why this happened, and argues that there's five big reasons why more powerful tablets exists but no one cares."

Comment Re:Solution for CP lovers (Score 1) 363

You made a good point.

I’ve though about this quite some time. And the core problem of all of this, is the intent.
Or rather that we can’t find out your intent.

If we knew the intent, we could put someone who is trying your scheme, into jail. But not someone who really accidentally landed on such a site. (E.g. a Goatse-like CP link going trough a URL shortener.)
This is a giant problem. Which results in the self-contradiction of:
1. Innocent until proven guilty. (= In case of unknown intention, you are not guilty.)
2. Ignorance is no protection against punishment. (= In case of unknown intention, you are guilty.)

I think (2) is morally wrong, because in the cane that the intention really is not known, one should never assume evil intentions. Ever.
That’s what proof is for! Proof of intention.
For example:
A) Someone downloads CP. He jacks off to it, and gets caught in mid-action. -> Guilty!
B) Someone downloads CP. He tries to analyze the images to see if he can find clues on how to catch the guy. Later, someone finds the images on his computer. -> NOT guilty! Even if the intention was not known. Even if his intention was bad, but not known.

A fair society demands the rules to be like this. Or else everybody can just shove CP on your computer when you don’t look, and then throw you in jail for it.

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