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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: Excuse me 2

But I think my faith is showing.

In the first, yet another evangelical preacher comes closer to Catholicism. In the second, I say that the two highest priorities right now should be pro-life and debt reduction, in that order- and that the Ryan Budget fails on both. I'd criticize Obama and the Democrats on their budget as well- but the fact is if they could agree on a budget back last October, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

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Excuse me

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  • I could imagine "purgatory" as being merely the descriptive label applied to a certain segment of the time one is standing before God being judged. For example the scheduled events for the Day of Judgment might include an orientation session (e.g. where you are and why you're here), maybe some views of what an eternity in Heaven will be like if the contestant decides to pick door #1, and then maybe a phase of the reading of your list of transgressions and then a what do you have to say for yourself young ma

    • Good description of purgatory.

      On tiers of humiliation in hell- I think I like Sr. St. Faustina's description better than Dante's- most of the pain in hell is like the pain in purgatory, except when Satan decides to get ironic and creative. And even then- well, dead souls don't have senses to torment, so what's the use in tormenting senses?

      Still, there's a use to hell. As my Archbishop Dolan quote states- universalism isn't worth very much if there isn't a need for repentance. "Maybe the greatest threat t

"I'm not a god, I was misquoted." -- Lister, Red Dwarf
