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Comment Re:What happened to Pascal, anyway? (Score 1) 134

It's isn't fragmented now, because it's dead other than those two non-standard compilers, all the other implementations having vanished along with their communities...

Let's see... besides those two, there are:

  1. Smart Mobile Studio
  2. AVRco Pascal
  3. MikroPascal
  4. Vector Pascal
  5. paxCompiler

The first one is I know for sure very much alive as the author is very active in the community and they really have customers. The next four might be less known, but they can be considered active looking at their latest release date.

Comment Re:Pascal in the real world? (Score 1) 134

but with the costs of Delphi and that its been around so long and still going means someone is using it.. but who ???

From Embarcadero: - http://www.embarcadero.com/pro... From Lazarus/FPC wiki: - http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal... - http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal... - http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal...

Comment Re:What happened to Pascal, anyway? (Score 1) 134

And Free Pascal still isn't even compatible with 1982's standard ISO Pascal.

Correction: FPC has ISO compatibility mode that gets mature, at this time of writing, as Jonas said in the mailing list, only 1 little bug that didn't get into 3.0.0 and already fixed in trunk. I personally have compiled P5/P6 compiler provided by standardpascal.org and it compiles flawlessly with FPC. I'd like to run it against Pascal Test Suite that should declare whether a compiler is standard compliant or not, but I just told standardpascal.org people and hope that they will do it. They should have the complete package which I can't find anywhere.

Submission + - Free Pascal Compiler 3.0.0 is out, adds support for 16 bit MS-DOS and 64 bit iOS (freepascal.org) 1

Halo1 writes: Twenty-three years ago, development started on the first version of the Turbo Pascal and later also Delphi-compatible Free Pascal Compiler, for OS/2 no less. Two decades and change later, the new Free Pascal Compiler 3.0.0 release still supports OS/2, along with a host of older and newer platforms ranging from MS-DOS on an 8086 to the latest Linux and iOS running on AArch64. On the language front, the new features include support for type helpers, codepage-aware strings and a utility to automatically generate JNI bridges for Pascal code. In the mean time, development on the next versions continues, with support for generic functions, an optional LLVM code generator backend and full support for ISO and Extended Pascal progressing well.

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