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Comment Re: Barking Dog (Score 3, Interesting) 825

Came to say this ---^

Lived in Miami and had many things stolen from my fenced in yard and many "false alarms" on my alarm system whenever I was out of the house after dark.

Got 2 puppies from the local animal shelter and voila, problems stopped...

Barking PUPPIES stopped it all...And when they got bigger and their barks were deeper, it was just a bonus that kept solicitors away as well...

Now, they're both 15 years old and sleep all the time and they deserve it.

Be a mensch. Rescue a puppy and save yourself a lot of hassle and get a buddy to hang out with as well...

One of the best decisions I ever made.

Comment Re:Astronomy! (Score 1) 398

Seconded...This is a great book and convinced me to get back into astonomy after a 25 year break...

Last thing I did before this was photograph Halley's Comet back in '85/'86, with my 6" reflector and Minolta 35mm SLR...

Now, I've got a 150mm Mak-Cass and a Canon 20Da...Gonna do me some Variable Star Asronomy...

Comment Actually, you don't want another computer geek... (Score 1) 1354

IMHO, don't chase only COMPUTER geek chicks...

I was married to a total babe who was not a geek, but turned out to be not a fantastic match in the long run
  and another who was not a babe, but was a wonderful person and a Fabric/Knitting geek. We were together for 7 years until she unfortunately fell to Colon cancer last year...

Learn some real world social skills...Wash your clothes once in awhile...Read a non-computer, non-sci-fi book now and then...

Oh, and stop using "meatspace" to describe the real world...It sounds condescending and stupid.

Comment When CF fails... (Score 1) 357 seems to fail catastrophically.

The company I work for makes systems which use CF as a boot device.

I've yet to see a "partial" failure. It's usually all or nothing...During system upgrades we write new a boot kernel to the CF card and usually, I have found when that fails, the system will not boot either.

Comment Re:So what next? (Score 1) 522

On the message board of our podcast website, we put in a very simple question, which has stopped spam posts completely when Captcha definitely was not working.

"What's the name of the movie character in the picture in the upper right hand corner of the page?"

Stopped it 100%.

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