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Comment How about washing dishes all day (Score 1) 1716

I used to work in restaraunts and washed dishes all day, not just for a half a day once a week. I made $3 an hour and had to work my ass off. At the end of the day I stunk like grease. The sad part is that I was only a teenager, so it didn't matter, but there are many people in this country working shitty jobs as busboys and dishwashers and they are adults (of course they are Mexican so I guess they don't matter either).

Cry me a river, at least you have a window and a chair and you probably make more than minimum wage.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Thursday Nov. 14, 2002

Another day in the life of Perl loser. I am sitting here at my "desk" waiting for my Perl script to finish; can you say boring?

On a good note, I am in Seattle and the sun is shining, for now.

Slashdot is boring today. I can't read the news anymore because all they ever talk about is Iraq, Bush, Saddam, War on Terrorism, War on Drugs, The Sniper, John Ashcroft and his gang of thugs, spineless Democrats, blah.

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The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
