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Comment Re:Go Dutchies! (Score 1) 58

Well then! :) In Holland, often the budgets for stuff like this is too small to do anything significant so I think it's nice that they found a serious sponsor for once and get some attention. Besides, it's a good subject. I can't wait for electric vehicles to become a regular phenomena.. Never gonna buy a car or motorcycle on gas again.

Comment Re:How many developers (Score 1) 378

Home computers were only just there; the ZX Spectrum was introduced in 1982, the Commodore 64 in '83. Personal computers existed since 1975 but were way too expensive for most. There were only about 200 Apple II's (1976) sold. The original Macintosh from '84 costed $2.500, a lot of money in the eighties.

Sure, sales took off in '84 but for programmers to spawn it takes time to learn to work with computers and to program. In 1984, personal computers just started to spread among the population, from *zero*. All together, if you leave out home computer programmers, I think there were very little programmers around in 1984 compared to now and most of them were just leaving the punch card era. The remaining programmers worked with VAX alike computers that didn't use color, mice or sound.

Submission + - Sergey Brin: Windows is "torturing users" (

jbrodkin writes: "Google created Chrome OS because Windows is "torturing users," Google co-founder Sergey Brin says. Only about 20% of Google employees use Windows, with the rest on Mac and Linux, and Brin hopes that by next year nearly all Googlers will be using Chromebooks. "With Microsoft, and other operating system vendors, I think the complexity of managing your computer is really torturing users," Brin told reporters at Google I/O. "It's torturing everyone in this room. It's a flawed model fundamentally. Chromebooks are a new model that doesn't put the burden of managing the computer on yourself." Google claims 75% of business users could be moved from Windows computers to Chrome laptops."

Comment Re:Sure they do (Score 1) 122

Sure, but the article is about 'unfriending' and finding out why unfriended you and why. If the spouse didn't notice it's the new lover that is allowed as a 'friend', it's unlikely that this spouse will know who this person is. So if this new lover unfriends the spouse, not much will become clear.

Comment Re:Someone who really hates you.. (Score 1) 122

You have a point that this is a possible, even commonly used strategy. For example, there is a old guy who hates my guts. I'm fairly sure we follows me on youTube, because I have posted a video of him flying way to low over our house. Then again, it's still unlikely that he will ever 'unfollow' me.

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