The CCP needs to be sent a message this stuff isnt going to be tolerated and some public hangings would do that.
Because if there is one thing Xi Jinping concerns himself with, it's the physical well-being of his people.
Any unauthorized use of the Subscription Services is a material breach of the Agreement. Unauthorized use of the Subscription Services includes:... (d) using Subscription Services in connection with any redistribution of Software
4. Definitions:
“Subscription Services” means Red Hat offerings consisting of Software Access, Software Maintenance, Support and any other services
associated with and during the term of a Subscription....
I understand it doesn't explicitly say it is restricting rights under the GPL. The problem doesn't go away because they provide assurances elsewhere in the agreement that this is not a GPL violation - that is not operative language and, at best, provides a strong argument for ambiguity of the agreement.
The point is that this is a restriction, whether they want to call it one or not. Clients are given source, as required by the GPL, but if they redistribute it, as permitted by the GPL, they are penalized. Whether or not Red Hat has takes action over this material breach is not particularly relevant, the point is that they are claiming it exists, which gives them the contractual ability to act. I have serious doubts that this particular term, or at least their desired construction of it, would not be valid if Red Hat actually *did* attempt to cancel an agreement using this term and a client filed suit. Of course, this would be cost prohibitive for a client. It would be even more so for others with standing, such as an external developer who had contributed GPL code or an existing client seeking a declaratory judgment. This is, undoubtedly, most of what the company is counting on.
If Red Hat wants to sell an operating system and control its distribution, they are more than welcome to do so. I have heard there are other companies that have done fairly well for themselves using that strategy. They are under no particular ethical or moral obligation, in my opinion, to use the GPL for their software. However, they are using existing GPL code, which was licensed to them under particular terms. They are attempting to circumvent these terms, largely because they apparently haven't come up with a better solution to protect their service subscription business. They hoped to obfuscate the problem with a vague blog post, and now they are trying desperately to justify a ham-fisted effort to solve a technical problem with an overbroad legal solution, rather than step back and reevaluate the question. It's just unseemly.
Yes they could call, but the counter people are all overworked and tired and get yelled at constantly.
Group 2 moderates them as 'Troll' and posts asinine shit like this in response:
It sounds like they deserve it too.
And you sounds like the type of person that gets yelled at for being incompetent too.
Kids, don't be in Group 2. Group 2 are the reason angry mobs occasionally set lots of things on fire. Group 2 are the reason that one of those mobs got so big it ruined an entire two-continent-spanning country in the twentieth century.
tl;dr: Don't be an asshole.
However I will point out that as "evil" as Red Hat and IBM have been portrayed in this business change there is no mention at all of all the companies that support Open Source "Permissive Licenses", which do not guarantee the sources to their end users, or offer only "Closed Source" Licenses....who do not allow and have never allowed clones to be made....these people and companies do not have any right to throw stones (and you know who you are).
Saying "this isn't bad because other people do worse things" is not a justification, it's a dodge.
Which community?
The one that developed, and continues to develop, the kernel for, and much of the core software for, the OS that Red Hat is peddling - most of whom do not get an IBM paycheck. I don't even get the question.
How long will they keep beating their breasts when they find out that they can not make any money at doing it?
Has he not noticed who the companies are that are doing this? Is he under the impression that SUSE hasn't *already* figured out how to make money at this? Does he believe Oracle can't afford to take advantage of this?
Therefore the people who receive those binaries would receive the sources so they could fix bugs and extend the operating system as they wished.....this was, and is, the essence of the GPL.
Red Hat and IBM are making their sources available to all those who receive their binaries under contract. That is the GPL.
The FSF would certainly seem to strongly disagree, but then I am sure they just misunderstand the purpose of the license that they draft and maintain.
Another interesting bit from TFA, to drive home just how off the mark this whole thing is:
So RMS started the GNU (“GNU is not Unix”) project for the purpose of distributing a freedom operating system that would require people distributing binaries to make sure that the people receiving those binaries would receive the sources and the ability to fix bugs or make the revisions they needed.
Well, RMS sure seems to think the reason was to ensure the ability to freely distribute source code, but again, I'm sure he is just misinterpreting his own motivations.
Is this some sort of late April Fool's post? This isn't some Halloween documents-era FUD propaganda, this is straight from someone who ought to know better. I fear that someone may need a cognitive exam.
IBM is banking, likely quite rightly, that no one is going to challenge them on this. They are only distributing the source to clients, with the understanding that redistribution will end their separate service agreement. I certainly would not want to be in the position of arguing that this is not a restriction on distribution under the GPL. It's bad faith at best, and complete nonsense at worst.
To paraphrase Andrew Dice Clay, RMS is rolling over in his grave, and the friggin' guy isn't even dead yet.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.