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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Um, what?  *Friday March 13, 2009 @12:38AM  1
   attached to So Amazing, So Illegal
Re:RTFM  *Friday November 02, 2007 @01:56AM  2, Informative
   attached to Seagate Offers Refunds on 6.2 Million Hard Drives
Re:Great math, author.  *Thursday October 25, 2007 @11:29AM  1
Re:Great math, author.  *Thursday October 25, 2007 @11:21AM 1 2, Informative
   attached to Samsung Unveils 64-Gbit Flash Memory Chip
Re:What the...  *Tuesday September 18, 2007 @03:02PM  1
   attached to Jack Thompson Decides He's In GTA IV
Graphics Card Support  *Saturday August 25, 2007 @11:59PM  1
   attached to How Would You Refocus Linux Development?
Re:Jolt?  *Saturday July 07, 2007 @09:13PM 3 5, Informative
   attached to How Much Caffeine is Really in That Soda?
Re:Interesting  *Friday June 29, 2007 @12:13AM  1
   attached to CallerID Spoofing to be Made Illegal
Re:Gee.  *Monday April 16, 2007 @12:38AM 7 5, Interesting
   attached to New Sony DVDs Not Working In Some Players
Re:bad history?  *Wednesday February 07, 2007 @04:17AM 2 5, Informative
Processor info?  *Wednesday February 07, 2007 @04:05AM 8 5, Interesting
   attached to Why Does Skype Read the BIOS?
Re:so is it 11?  *Sunday February 04, 2007 @12:56AM  2
   attached to Material Tougher Than Diamond Developed
Re:What do other people do?  *Friday December 01, 2006 @09:48PM  5, Informative
   attached to Plastic Packages Cause Injuries, Revolt
Obligatory Homer quote  *Thursday November 09, 2006 @08:02PM  4, Funny
   attached to Robot Identifies Human Flesh As Bacon
Viruses  *Monday July 03, 2006 @12:22AM 3 3, Interesting
   attached to Practical Applications of Smell Recordings
For the greater good.  *Friday June 16, 2006 @03:07AM  1
   attached to Bill Gates to Step Down from Microsoft
elilo?  *Friday March 10, 2006 @05:38AM 2 4, Interesting
   attached to No EFI Support for Vista
Re:Just need a couple...  *Friday February 17, 2006 @12:09AM  1
   attached to A 1.2 Petabyte Hard Drive?
In other news....  *Thursday February 16, 2006 @05:35PM 6 5, Funny
   attached to Linux beats Windows to Intel iMac

"I'm not a god, I was misquoted." -- Lister, Red Dwarf
