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Comment Re:I called it (Score 1) 211

Remember that what we call AI really isn't. It's just a more advanced iteration of the programs used to create fake scientific papers from 10+ years ago. They're not going to take over humanity. Instead, the threats are from where they've always come from: evil people with lots of ambition. North Korea, China, and Russia already did this to subjugate their populations. So did Germany, Italy, and Cambodia among many others. All of them found that exploiting the stupid and gullible by way of mass media to create shock troops of enthusiastic thugs was very effective. Events of the past 15 or so years show that this technique remains effective: roadblocks, rioting, looting, arson, IEDs, harassment, extortion, assault, murder -- all executed by enthusiastic mobs.

Comment (noun) of choice for (people) (Score 2) 29

Any time you see a statement fitting the pattern "(noun) of choice for (people)", you're being told to stop thinking and to obey whatever diktat comes next in the speech. That diktat is typically something intended to enforce subservience.

Comment Great for hiring managers (Score 1) 47

Good work! They've provided a convenient list of people who are scientifically and economically illiterate and thus unqualified. That saves a lot of time and effort in the hiring process. The list is also a convenient list of who to hire for interpretive dance and underwater basket-weaving.

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