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Comment Thicker! It all starts with that. (Score 1) 240

I'm typing this my 2015 MacBook Pro that I've been nursing along. I have a long list of things Apple could do to get me to buy a new MacBook, but it all starts with one thing:

Make it thicker!

Once you've done that, now there's room for
-A real keyboard with real key travel
-USB 3 ports
-An ethernet port
-Several kinds of video ports
-A really, really big battery
-A heat management system that doesn't have to throttle the processor
-A reliable hinge that doesn't pinch the video cables
-Great speakers

Please make this happen, Apple. I never asked you for a laptop that was so thin I could shave with it.


Submission + - Best Buy Confirms 'secret' Website

Iberian writes: confirms Best Buy does indeed maintain a second website for what one could only assume is for fraudulent purposes.

State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal ordered the investigation into Best Buy's practices on Feb. 9 after my column disclosed the website and showed how employees at two Connecticut stores used it to deny customers a $150 discount on a computer advertised on

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