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Comment Re:How convenient (Score 1) 66

Really people should look carefully at the definition of fascism.

That's the problem, innit? Right here in this thread you can see people arguing that the definition of fascism is something other than what it is. No clue where they got their bullshit definitions, except that it was fascist propaganda to make them unable to recognize fascism instead of what actual fascists outright told us that it meant. They don't know because they don't want to know.

Comment Re:Could this be solved by a wrapper? (Score 1) 38

And what if NVidia did not include hardware circuitry in the 5000 series that would have done the hardware acceleration?

I don't believe that there is any special hardware in the 4000 series for PhysX, at least not so special that it's not used for anything else. The only problem should be if there are data types needed for 32 bit PhysX which aren't provided by the PhysX part of the modern driver. Otherwise it should be possible to translate back and forth to support old applications.

Comment Re:Fascinating (Score 1) 38

If I wanted to run the original Tetris, I'd run it on 86Box. I am running Xenix-86 there, and it runs well. The emulation is almost TOO good, disk access is slow AF.

I played the original Tetris for Windows (whatever version that was, obviously not the first one) on a 286. I don't remember what the clock speed of the machine was, it wasn't mine (it was in a breakroom at SCO) and the score wrapped around to negative numbers so I decided that I won.

Comment Re:Well, maybe it's about time (Score 1) 108

Perhaps you should get a monitor that is less than 40 years old.

I have a 42.5" 4k display, and I got an OS which doesn't treat me like an idiot.

This is more a fanboy talking point than it is reality

I've had a lot of Macs, including some which ran OS X. What do you think I'm fanboying by criticizing OS X? Everything else, all of which has a better UI? Even Windows' makes more sense, although the implementation is fragile garbage.

Also, the "menu" IS always in the same place on the Mac, it is not a function of the dock location.

Right, Apple made the Dock shittier when they made NeXTStep into OSX. The first icon on the Dock used to do stuff that Apple moved to another location, so you need a menu bar AND a dock. 40 years ago the menu bar made sense, because most monitors were small and you were never far from the menu. Today, having menus attached to application windows makes sense, and Apple is stuck in a past paradigm which doesn't.

Defending Apple's shitty UI decisions when apparently Apple doesn't think they made sense because they are about to make big fundamental changes is ridiculous. Try using a real UI sometime.

Comment Re: Could this be solved by a wrapper? (Score 3, Interesting) 38

Sure. We just need Nvidia to open source their proprietary physx protocol

On December 3, 2018, PhysX was made open source under a 3-clause BSD license, but this change applied only to computer and mobile platforms.[11]
On November 8, 2022, the open source release was updated to PhysX 5, under the same 3-clause BSD license.[12]

Is that not enough to make a 32 bit stub?

Comment I tried out the 1b model (Score 1) 48

My litmus test is asking AI to write me a poem about the Cummins in the style of e e cummings. gemma3 has done the best job so far, it actually looked vaguely like what I wanted. But then I asked it to make some changes and it changed... the title. And asked me if that was what I was going for.

Downloading the 4b model now. Once I see how much vram that uses I'll see if I can run a bigger one.

Comment Re:Well, maybe it's about time (Score 1) 108

You can move the Dock to any side but that's still only half the battle. You really want to move it so that it's in a corner on a side, where it was on NeXTStep, because then the menu is always in the same place. Having it move around when you open things is stupid and irritating. Last I checked you could not get proper behavior without plist editing, which is also stupid and irritating.

Comment Re:Well, maybe it's about time (Score 1) 108

The best thing they could do is bring back the NeXT interface. In particular, wide screen monitors ought to have the dock at the left or right. It's bananas to have it at the bottom center, and when you have it there both autohide and not having autohide are just irritating in different ways. I use XFCE with a toolbar set up like NeXT on a 4k TV, it's basically the same thing and there's plenty of real estate for lots of icons.

The thin strip across the top of the classic Mac OS was pretty slick as it did everything. On Mac OS 6 and 7 I felt the need to use additional software to enhance the apple menu, or add other menus, but it was still serviceable. And the system menu was always in the corner both in Mac OS and in NeXTStep. The stretchy center dock is goofy.

I doubt they'll do either of the things you described, but in my fairly experienced opinion, Apple's designs have been going in the wrong direction for years — they reduced contrast and simplified what was already too simple, and complicated what was simple. Classic macs were beautifully simple, if tragically fragile in the security department (where they had none.) Their interface perfectly matched the output quality and resolution and everything was clear and crisp, which really set them apart from the other systems. Now Apple interfaces are ghostly and/or irritating. How many shades of grey do I need at once? That used to be impressive on my GRiDPads, now not so much.

Comment Re:OS X is a mess (Score 1) 108

XFCE is great at 4k. No problems whatsoever. I'm doing it right now. NVidia, on the other hand, is kind of a little PITA when it comes to using it with this TV. I have tried I think every different mechanism for forcing output to a specific display, but it still can only seem to detect and react to when my display disconnects, and not to when it connects. If it weren't for my using CUDA regularly, I would regret my choices enough to actually think about buying an AMD card, which is what I expect to do next time I upgrade. As is, I can work around it by suspending and resuming. But that's 0% XFCE's fault :)

On the other hand, some apps work well, and some don't...

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