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Comment nVidia driver not working properly? (Score 1) 42

In 13.1 I saw for the first time, that the nvidia graphics driver could lock up the system - power-cycle to continue. Never happened before 13.1 It still happens in 13.2.
I have done no investigation in this issue, as I mostly use my laptop (with i7ish graphics). I just used the graphics driver delivered by the installation program. I know, there are other drivers.

Anybody else having the same problem and fixed it?

Comment Re:3,5 years prison - my person opinion (Score 1) 89

I am Danish, so the story is from my country.

My personal opinion about this is:
- no comments on jail conditions or jail time - that's another discussion.
- The information, he accessed was very sensitive, and nobody wants their personal sensitive information compromized.
- He may have the guilt he has, but how about the company CSC? Are they safe enough?

Comment 3,5 years prison (Score 1) 89

Read and translate the full story here:

- below is a Google Translation of the top of the article [with my edits]:

It was respectively 3.5 years in prison and six months in prison for the two men who yesterday was found guilty in the case of the large hacker attacks against CSC two years ago.
Swedish Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, who received the longest judgment, and a 21-year-old Danish man has always [pleaded not guilty] in the case, but the court chose yesterday to reject Wargs explanation that his computer had been remotely [controlled] while the attacks were on.
Warg was yesterday found guilty of hacking and vandalism, while the 21-year-old alone convicted of involvement in hacking. Today took the court [decided] on the penalty.
Warg was also sentenced to deportation from Denmark and got entry ban. He must also pay the cost of technical assistance for the part concerning himself.

The 21-year-old received the judgment. Warg chose to appeal to the High Court.

Comment Re:Got 200/200 MBit soon (Score 1) 224

Currently we share 15/15 megabit, and it feels like my own .. :-)
Otherwise you're quite right.
But I rarely need those speeds, the web pages are loading fast enough.
When there is a new Linux distro, I have to wait for the DVD download.
One of the other important factors is the number of small packets sent all the time and the response time to those.
A large web page consists of more than many sub-requests.

Comment Got 200/200 MBit soon (Score 1) 224

Maybe I'm one of the lucky few, but in my area, fiber is readily available. I can get 200/200 megabits on fiber (not a typo, it is two hundred both ways), and although expensive, the entire building with 30 apartments will share it, so it is expensive divided by 30, which makes it managable (around $30/month).

So I don't expect gigabit to be far away.

That's the advantage of living in one of the few large villages in an otherwise small country. One of the other advantages is, that I can drive across the country in one day - on a bicycle :-)

Comment Nonsense (Score 1) 512

I have seen SSDs fail too often to use them for anything but read-only storage.
I have gone back to HDDs simply because they are more reliable and lasts 10 times longer.
An SSD in a desktop computer lasts for max 2 years, and if you power it off while it is working, then it is a sure way to kill the entire drive or at least all the data on it.

SSDs are great toys, but never use them for anything other than read-only data.

Comment Why spend billions? (Score 1) 432

Our country have outsourced the space programme to either
* Cartoonists ( Denmark goes to Saturn - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahv-LlRsdE4 )
* Private entrepeneurs ( http://copenhagensuborbitals.com/ & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HueHF9pECI )
And with a population of approx 5 million people, we don't have enough tax money for that sort of thing.

Comment Re:I'll wait a while. (Score 1) 237

I just bought one on 60 gigs for approx 300$. I went for the fastest I could find - a whopping > 200 MB/sec. Beats my HDD-stripe. My SuSE linux boots from GRUB to desktop in less than 5 seconds, including all the init-scripts for vmware and mysql and you-name-it. I can now feel how fast my computer really is - now that I don't have to wait for this antique HDD anymore. Performance is incredible. I can only recommend spending the (rather large amount of) money, it's a mind-changing experience. From now on, I regard hard drives as an antique medium, which is good for storing lots of data, but not for installing operating systems. btw: All this defrag speak - it always helps, because there are still read-ahead and similar algorithms, which perform better, when the drive is defragged.

Comment cd = /dev/null (Score 1) 317

I do not keep my CD's in "ideal storage conditions". They are in my home, with varying temperatures and humidity. None of the more than 5 year old CD's can be read. Thus a CD-R is a null device. I threw them all out and got some shelf space back. Memory sticks nowadays have more capacity than CD-R's, even DVD's, so why bother with this unpractical and unreliable medium?

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