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Comment PalPal Sucks! (Score 1) 509

....and the unfortunate reality is that there is no other option to really challenge their dominance. The sooner a new player comes along that can really give PayPal a run for their money, the better. When that challenger arrives, my PayPal account will be immediately closed!

Comment Re:Shrimp free zone? (Score 2, Insightful) 643

It's too bad that rather than going after the root of the allergy, we stick a band-aid on it like this. (Not to mention an absolutely ridiculous band-aid!!) Parents are keeping their children too clean. They aren't giving their children a chance to develop a full, healthy immune system. It's really no wonder that all of these allergies are popping up now. We live in an almost sterile society where people are afraid to get dirty. Get dirty! Get sick! You'll be glad for it later in life!!

A Decade of Dreadful Microsoft Ads 220

Barence writes "PC Pro has rounded up the most howlingly awful examples of ads churned out by Microsoft over the past decade. The selection includes the cringe-worthy Gates & Seinfeld ads — where Gates looks like he’s delivering his lines with the help of a cattle prod — to the terrible Windows 7 party ads (an 'F1 key for social inadequates,' according to PC Pro), to the one that got away: an excellent in-house training video produced by The Office's Ricky Gervais."

GSM Decryption Published 299

Hugh Pickens writes "The NY Times reports that German encryption expert Karsten Nohl says that he has deciphered and published the 21-year-old GSM algorithm, the secret code used to encrypt most of the world's digital mobile phone calls, in what he called an attempt to expose weaknesses in the security system used by about 3.5 billion of the 4.3 billion wireless connections across the globe. Others have cracked the A5/1 encryption technology used in GSM before, but their results have remained secret. 'This shows that existing GSM security is inadequate,' Nohl told about 600 people attending the Chaos Communication Congress. 'We are trying to push operators to adopt better security measures for mobile phone calls.' The GSM Association, the industry group based in London that devised the algorithm and represents wireless operators, called Mr. Nohl's efforts illegal and said they overstated the security threat to wireless calls. 'This is theoretically possible but practically unlikely,' says Claire Cranton, a GSM spokeswoman, noting that no one else had broken the code since its adoption. 'What he is doing would be illegal in Britain and the United States. To do this while supposedly being concerned about privacy is beyond me.' Simon Bransfield-Garth, the chief executive of Cellcrypt, says Nohl's efforts could put sophisticated mobile interception technology — limited to governments and intelligence agencies — within the reach of any reasonable well-funded criminal organization. 'This will reduce the time to break a GSM call from weeks to hours,' Bransfield-Garth says. 'We expect as this further develops it will be reduced to minutes.'"

Comment Re:Not for teens anymore? (Score 0, Offtopic) 138

It's one of those things you either get or don't get. Personally I like Facebook because I can have a quick glance at what friends are doing (assuming they post that info) and then comment as I see fit. Relationships with people have become very watered down over the years and now can be summed up by a few lines of text on a social networking site. Some people you invest more time in and have meaningful conversations with in the real world, others you enjoy only having to put up with small tidbits.

Comment Re:It's common sense (Score 5, Insightful) 138

The only difference here is that you have a visual representation via Facebook. The opposing lawyer could be friends of the judge regardless of whether they are Facebook friends, and in that case, you'd never even know. This is absolutely ridiculous and a waste of countless people's time and energy. We're taking things far too far under the guise of trying to protect everyone. You can't bubble wrap the entire world! Let people make mistakes and then learn from them rather than precluding people from being able to make those mistakes and learn. Life experience is a huge asset. Being forced to blindly follow the whim of others benefits no one.

Comment Really? (Score 4, Funny) 138

When are we going to realize that the further we push issues like this, the more damage we're doing to our society. Pretty soon it's going to be illegal to look at someone if they're having a bad hair day assuming it's Thursday of the 5th month with a full moon happening within 3 days.

Comment LogMeIn (Score 1) 454

I've been using LogMeIn for both Mac and Windows machines and have had zero problems. Works through corporate firewalls and very little to setup and maintain. There is a free option, as well as paid options which give you more functionality.

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