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Comment Re:What is the point, seriously? (Score 1) 65

"real-time navigation and streaming..."


The moon is still over a full light second away from Earth. Adding wireless relay stations on the lunar surface is not going to change that.

It's my understanding that you need tenth of a second or faster response times on a system before you can actually call it "real time".

Maybe the real-time navigation will be done by people ON THE MOON. Doing this means the astronauts won't need to suit-up and get exposed to radiation; just get a remote-controlled robot to do the work. And even from Earth... I've played games with 1-second latency, and it is still possible. You just have to anticipate more, and it is slower going. Not real-time, but possible.

Comment Re:There is no such thing as consensus science (Score 5, Informative) 152

I would say "scientific consensus" could be interpreted in different ways. If it is just a bunch of scientists saying the same thing, then what Crichton says makes sense. But I see "scientific consensus" as a bunch of scientists reproducing and verifying an experiment backing up a scientific theory. I see that kind of consensus as very scientific. I see it as "reproducible results" which is what Crichton says is relevant.

Comment Re:Risk Factor 9! (Score 2) 118

* citation needed. There were very few countries that "manned up". Sweden is the best known example. Comparing it to its neighbours: Deaths per 1M population: Sweden: 364 Denmark: 94 Norway: 43 Finland: 54 So looks like manning up cost about 300% to 600% higher fatality rate for a given country.

Comment Re:Risk Factor 9! (Score 3, Informative) 118

Looks to be 100,000 died in 3 months in the USA. And that is EVEN WITH staying at home. Would have been 10 times worse if we did nothing and just kept on with business as normal. Keep baseball games and hockey games and basketball games going. Are you okay with 1 million dying? (You might be... to save the economy maybe 1% of the population dying is worth it?!? It's a personal call.)

Comment Re:You need to do much better than this (Score 3) 208

Pretty sure they didn't do it for you personally; they won't be calling you. Yes, it will take development iterations and technology improvements before it is useful for even mid-range flights. But for the short hops around Victoria, Vancouver, and the surrounding islands, it will be great.

Comment Re:Check the range (Score 4, Insightful) 208

That is like saying airplanes will never be useful because the first powered flight only traveled 852 feet. http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.... It would be easier to ride a bicycle or walk! This area of the world is a great spot to get this technology going. Lots of short hops between islands.

Comment Re:There's nothing to decode here (Score 1) 49

(him mom was on the board of directors at IBM)

Nope. Close, but nope. "In 1980, she discussed her son's company with John Opel, a fellow committee member and the chairman of International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). Opel, by some accounts, mentioned Mrs. Gates to other IBM executives. A few weeks later, IBM took a chance by hiring Microsoft, then a small software firm, to develop an operating system for its first personal computer." https://web.archive.org/web/20...

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