"real-time navigation and streaming..."
The moon is still over a full light second away from Earth. Adding wireless relay stations on the lunar surface is not going to change that.
It's my understanding that you need tenth of a second or faster response times on a system before you can actually call it "real time".
Maybe the real-time navigation will be done by people ON THE MOON. Doing this means the astronauts won't need to suit-up and get exposed to radiation; just get a remote-controlled robot to do the work. And even from Earth... I've played games with 1-second latency, and it is still possible. You just have to anticipate more, and it is slower going. Not real-time, but possible.
(him mom was on the board of directors at IBM)
Nope. Close, but nope. "In 1980, she discussed her son's company with John Opel, a fellow committee member and the chairman of International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). Opel, by some accounts, mentioned Mrs. Gates to other IBM executives. A few weeks later, IBM took a chance by hiring Microsoft, then a small software firm, to develop an operating system for its first personal computer." https://web.archive.org/web/20...
Note to self, look into hover-tanks for next July 4.
You'rs Sinserely, Donald Trump
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith