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Comment Darn, too late. (Score 1) 8

I had to replace my daily laptop for another (used) one, and found out none of the choices I had supported two drives. I've used BTRFS RAID1 on dual HHDs and SDDs (with a caddy for the CD unit) until this laptop, so now I can't see what difference read balancing would make.
Guess I'll have to wait until next time I need to replace hardware and hope there will be dual disk laptops available by then.

Comment Re:web sites that CloudFlare gate-keeps (Score 5, Informative) 162

For me it's so far the supermarket site where I order my online groceries, and I made it work by using the user agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64 for the specific domain.
This tells me it's an arbitary blocking of browsers by Cloudflare on nothing but user agent string and not by treath vector.
Cloudflare is a scam is the conclusion.

Comment Re:No (Score 2) 99

with great control comes great responsibility

We can't have that. The burden of responsibility should be on the computer. That's what they're made for. It's like saying parents should be responsible for their children.

Sarcasm aside, I am in favour of tools and a compiler which can optionally provide the extra security of memory checks and other known risky behaviour, but I say once again, optionally.
And no removing features just because of hype. There are logical cases for manipulating memory access and using goto and unions after all.

Comment Another framework? (Score 1) 44

Things like this always sound to me like politicians setting up another commitee, namely just as useless, costly, and only to the benefit of themselves.

Maybe instead of throwing more bureacracy at it, invest in programmers and people who are actually good at organising the code base to make it readable and maintainable, and ignore the latest hype AI, coding methodologies, shiny language features, and anything sales people are trying to offload.

Comment Control via opt-out (Score 1) 76

allows users to maintain control of their own data

But then you need to know how and what to disable in about:config to prevent all the telemetry data going by default to their overlord Google.
There was a time (years ago) when I held Firefox dear. That time has ended.

I installed LibreWolf today on Devuan via the extrepo package because CloudFlare once again crippled verification for Pale Moon and other good browsers with malicious scripts, and I need some way to log in to the store site to order groceries (the alternative store is more expensive and lacks several products), and also my bank site since a couple of months ago.
Enshittification is putting it very mildly.

Comment Re:I think it goes much further than coding (Score 2) 220

I've seen this with the younger generations working at the small IT firm I co-owned. I had to teach them at weekly evenings the basics of networking and troubleshooting, and this even only on Windows. No one even heard of the tools arp and nslookup.
I didn't begin working in IT with an education, it was all born rom a hobby, but I became surprised at the lack of knowledge of others in the field over the years.

I program in C for my hobby on a personal fork of OpenTTD. Because of that I've been looking up more detailed information on the aspects of programming (I already knew the broad picture of it because I did a bit of hobby basic and read on C and C++ years last century) and learned about the hardware side of how the CPU works and the various programming paradigms and ways to design a piece of software.
Then recemtly I watched several talks on video about these things. The well-known one from Mike Acton about why software is slow if you don't code for the CPU cache from 2014 was very interesting.
What surprised me was a talk from last year, still explaining the concept of data oriented software design and what a cache is to a public of professionals. So many in the audience who didn't know about anything beyond the syntax of the programming language.
I'm not surprised people still program (in the not-intended way of) OOP style. Not only the lack of education, but also the lack of pride in their job and will to learn more about it and improve themselves.

This is also not specific to IT and programming, but to all fields of work. It's how I noticed the low quality of written language even among famous authors. Idiocracy == true;
There are many faults on different sides, but the main one I see is the lack of motivation to improve one's self.

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