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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
How does it feel to be you :)  *Tuesday October 02, 2012 @04:21AM  2
   attached to Ask Steve Wozniak Anything
Re:Ban libraries....  *Monday August 06, 2012 @09:36AM  1
Ban libraries....  *Monday August 06, 2012 @08:41AM 2 5, Insightful
   attached to What Happens To Your Used Games?
Question 21  *Monday November 15, 2010 @03:12PM  2
   attached to 2010 Geek IQ Test
Re:Cash  *Thursday January 08, 2009 @01:07PM  2
   attached to Blu-ray Update Sent To User Via Credit Card Records
How much!!!  *Tuesday May 20, 2008 @08:57AM 2 5, Insightful
   attached to FBI Wiretapping Audit Secrets Uncovered Via Ctrl+C
Another link...  *Friday May 09, 2008 @12:08PM 1 3, Insightful
Re:Failure on Postage?  *Friday May 09, 2008 @11:35AM 7 4, Interesting
   attached to London Lawyers Demand £600 For One Game
Re:So true...  *Wednesday October 03, 2007 @12:47PM  2
   attached to A Brief History of Slashdot Part 1, Chips & Dips
Handling Linux  *Wednesday July 18, 2007 @09:13AM 1 2
   attached to Does Comcast Hate Firefox?
Yet more political BS, to grab votes.  *Thursday July 05, 2007 @06:09PM  2
   attached to UK Proposal To Restrict Internet Pornography Sparks Row
This has been around for years...  *Monday March 12, 2007 @11:48AM  2
   attached to Drug Selectively Removes Rats' Memory
One point....  *Tuesday February 20, 2007 @07:52AM  2
   attached to UK's Blair Dismisses Online Anti ID-Card Petition
re no...  *Friday February 16, 2007 @04:00AM  2
   attached to Groklaw No Front for IBM
..and on the flip side  *Wednesday January 10, 2007 @07:58AM  2
   attached to 2006 Was the Warmest Year Ever
Near future - HAH  *Friday January 05, 2007 @11:29AM  2
   attached to Voice Over IP Under Threat?
Simple anwser - Why Do Gadgets Break?  *Wednesday November 29, 2006 @05:15AM  2
   attached to Why Do Gadgets Break?
The SCO Effect  *Monday November 27, 2006 @03:34PM  3, Interesting
   attached to IBM Denies Destroying Evidence in SCO Case
It's simple....  *Thursday November 16, 2006 @09:07AM  2
   attached to Microsoft One Step From World's Greenest Company
Interview with Gosling  *Wednesday November 08, 2006 @04:02AM  2
   attached to Sun To Choose GPL For Open-Sourcing Java
Sorry, just to confirm....  *Friday November 03, 2006 @02:46AM 1 2
   attached to Transitioning From Small Shop IT To Enterprise?
Re:WRONG!  *Monday October 30, 2006 @02:41AM  2
   attached to How To Make Your Friends Call You More
I wonder....  *Tuesday October 10, 2006 @09:07AM 1 4, Funny
   attached to Great Programmers Answer Questions From Aspiring Student
/. effect...  *Thursday September 28, 2006 @07:11AM  2
   attached to Traveler Detained for Anti-TSA Message

The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin
