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Journal Journal: How much should college cost?

How much should college cost?
Making the math simple here: let's say one professor teaches five courses, each course has 20 students. Each student takes five courses per semester.
Each student pays 1/20 of the professor. If the prof makes 80K/yr then tuition should be $2000 per semester. Or $16K for a four year degree.
I understand this would be only for subjects where it is all classroom, such as Math, History, Literature, and the all important Liberal Arts.
I also understand th

Comment Re:8K? 18K? (Score 1) 263

What is a "K" in this context? I dont know. But here is a clue from comments to the original article:

Celboy, good question. Barbara went back to Paul Franklin at Double Negative and asked him to run us through the exact numbers. Turns out the 5.6K files took up a little less space than he had remembered. Here are his notes: ### 5.6K: 5616x4096; A full 5.6K was actually about 100 meg for the exr and 122 meg for the cineon/dpx; 8K: 8192x6144; approximately 150 meg for the exr and 200 for the cineon/dpx; exr files are run length encoded whereas cineon/dpx is not, so as well as being more efficient they also vary in size depending on how much detail (difference between pixels) there is on a frame to frame basis; My mistake on the downrez figure for the 8K to 5.6

Looks like the K indicates number of lines per frame. They use a formual to determine number of pixels per line *4:3 ratio or something like that.

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