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Comment Re:CmdrTaco drags big brass ones along the ground (Score 1) 750

Well, the MacBook Air did create the market for CULV (Consumer Ultra-Low Voltage) based laptops, which seem to be slowly killing off the netbook as they're more powerful but are still thin, light and have decent battery life.

I think the MacBook Air is pretty shit too, but I wouldn't mind one of those nice Toshiba CULV laptops to replace my ASUS Netbook next time around.

PC Games (Games)

Submission + - OnLive Gaming Service Gets Lukewarm Approval (

Vigile writes: When the OnLive cloud-based gaming service was first announced back in March of 2009, it was met with equal parts excitement and controversy. While the idea of playing games on just about any kind of hardware thanks to remote rendering and streaming video was interesting, the larger issue remained of how OnLive planned to solve the latency problem. With the closed beta currently underway, PC Perspective put the OnLive gaming service to the test by comparing the user experiences of the OnLive-based games to the experiences with the same locally installed titles. The end result appears to be that while slower input-dependent games like Burnout: Paradise worked pretty well, games that require a fast twitch-based input scheme like UT3 did not.

Comment Re:LCDs = need even higher FPS (Score 1) 521

...and some high-end TVs have a 'game mode' that amongst other things switches the interpolation off to avoid the delay you speak of. Specifically, I think some Samsung models have this feature.

There is a related point though which is the fact that a number of TVs/LCD Displays claim to be 100Hz or even 120Hz but can't actually accept a 100/120Hz input. Supposedly the coming generation of '3D ready' displays will rectify this since for a comfortable 3D viewing experience 60 FPS to each eye is required.

Comment Re:From a Brit who travels to the US a lot (Score 1) 1095

Get an Underground Overground tube map. You can buy these from dispensers on the underground platforms. They show the actual physical route and actual physical distances the tube trains take; the traditional symbolic map doesn't demonstrate the real distances between stops. You can waste a lot of time trying to take a particular tube to a particular station, when you could have just taken a simpler journey and ended up only two blocks' walk away. Not as convenient as the popout map, but good for planning your day.

I would agree with this; better yet if you have an iPhone, get the London Tube app - it will tell you the nearest tube stop using GPS and plot the fastest route from one station to the other. Finally, changing at Bank for Monument and vice versa on the tube is to be avoided if at all possible, especially during rush hour!

Comment Re:British Museum (Score 1) 1095

There are dispensers where you can buy Oyster cards in a lot of the tube stations (think they're £3 or so). Some flights also sell them on the way in these days with pre-loaded credit.

The card will work on the tube, buses and a lot of the national rail services within London - national rail services going out of London are a bit of minefield pricing wise so you're better off asking at the station for the cheapest fair at the time you are travelling.

The cheapest way to get around London is to buy a 7 day travelcard and have it loaded onto the Oyster card at the machine/kiosk, you probably only need zone 1 depending on where you're staying.

(P.S. I would agree with visiting the British Museum and the Science Museum; the National History Museum is an amazing building and the dinosaurs are cool but the rest of the exhibits are a bit boring, however it's next door to the Science Museum and they're all free so you might as well stick your head round the door.)

Comment Re:$83 (Score 1) 173

If it's £50 in the UK it will probably be closer to $50 in the US. We always get screwed on the exchange rate (and quoted prices in the UK include tax).

An xbox game at launch is typically £35-40 over here (the RRP of Modern Warfare 2 was even higher, but I don't think that's a phenomenon unique to the UK).

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