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Comment Re:... That we know about (Score 2, Interesting) 161

I know it's not a PB but here at the Census we have one 150TB array thats used for one project and not 170K employees.

It is interesting when you get in storage of this size. I remember sitting in a meeting where we discussed a storage cabinet we were ordering. The RAW size of the cabinet was 150TB but formatted it would be 100TB ... 50TB is a lot of storage to "throw away" for redundancy / formatting! Considering at this price your paying about $10k+ a TB (With staff and infrastructure costs fractured in)!

Submission + - Music Decoded from 600 Year Old Engravings

RulerOf writes: Musicians recently unlocked a 600 year old mystery that had been encoded into the walls of the Rosslyn Chapel that was featured in "The Da Vinci Code." The song was carved into the walls of the chapel not using traditional notes, but in the form of geometric shapes known as cymatics, or Chladni patterns. After the entire song was decoded, it was set to traditional lyrics and recorded, and can be heard in a video featured here, at the musicians' website. The video also gives a visual representation of how the engravings match up to the cymatic patterns.

From the article:

"The music has been frozen in time by symbolism...They are of such exquisite detail and so beautiful that we thought there must be a message here." The two men matched each of the patterns on the carved cubes to a Chladni pitch, and were able finally to unlock the melody.

Lastly, a direct link to the video.

Submission + - Lip Reading Surveillance Cameras "To Stop Terr

mrogers writes: Infowars brings us the following news from the UK, which is fast becoming the front line of the war on privacy:

"Read my lips...." used to be a figurative saying. Now the British government is considering taking it literally by adding lip reading technology to some of the four million or so surveillance cameras in order identify terrorists and criminals by watching what everyone says.
Perhaps the lip-reading cameras and the shouting cameras will find something to talk about.

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