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Comment Re:Simple exercises (Score 1) 372

I can't agree with this enough, especially the pushups. I've been doing ~10 high-rep pushups sets as part of workout I do a few times a week. (I started with the program at, but now I roll my own based on the terminal workout.) I alternate sets of pushups with sets of (weightless) squats, roughly 30.

Especially at higher reps, these are *plenty* to get your heart rate up, so you get in your cardio. High-rep pushups sets are essentially a plank position held fr >30s, so you get some core. Pushups & squats hit nearly as many muscles as possible for the time spent, so this will also give you a good base if you decide to hit up a gym at some point.

Comment Re:The Cosmological principle will still hold. (Score 2) 106

Thanks for your armchair dismissal of many life works. Fwiw, I'm an astrophysicist and I'll take the time to correct one point. Supermassive black holes weigh in around 10^9 solar masses. Galaxy masses are >10^12 solar masses. Furthermore, when accreting at the maximum (Eddington) rate, black holes grow exponentially. It's not difficult to grow a 10^9 solar mass black hole in 10^9 years. Really the only hard part is getting the gas close enough to the BH to accrete; this problem and the hierarchical merger of black holes are active research areas.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 2) 119

It's more correct to say it's an indeterminate form, and what it evaluates to depends on what's under your infinity's hood. Two examples:

lim x--> inf of x/x is "infinity/infinity" and evaluates to 1.

lim x--> inf of e^x/x is also "infinity/infinity" but evaluates to infinity.


Astronomers Discover the Coolest Known Sub-Stellar Body 60

Hugh Pickens writes "Science Daily reports that using the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) in Hawaii, astronomers have discovered what may be the coolest sub-stellar body ever found outside our own solar system. Too small to be stars and with insufficient mass to maintain hydrogen-burning nuclear fusion reactions in their cores, 'brown dwarfs' have masses smaller than stars but larger than gas giant planets like Jupiter, with an upper limit in between 75 and 80 Jupiter masses. 'This looks like the fourth time in three years that the UKIRT has made a record breaking discovery of the coolest known brown dwarf, with an estimated temperature not far above 200 degrees Celsius,' says Dr. Philip Lucas at the University of Hertfordshire. Due to their low temperature these objects are very faint in visible light, and are detected by their glow at infrared wavelengths. The object known as SDSS1416+13B is in a wide orbit around a somewhat brighter and warmer brown dwarf, SDSS1416+13A, and the pair is located between 15 and 50 light years from the solar system, which is quite close in astronomical terms."

Submission + - Canada to build 40MW Solar Power plant

IceDiver writes: According to an article in the Toronto Star ( an Ontario company has been given approval to build a 40MW solar power plant near Sarnia in Southwestern Ontario. This is enough power for about 10,000 homes. The plant will cover 365 hectares (1.4 sq. miles) and is to be operational by 2010. OptiSolar, the company building the plant, claims to have developed a way to mass produce the solar panels at a dramatically reduced cost, making the plant competitive with other forms of power generation.

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