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Comment Re:Simple (Score 0) 445

It's not so simple. I approached the FBI with a proposal to use the military's already proven laser guidance and tracking systems to detect and rapidly respond to these threats. They apparently filed it under "kook" and never responded. The FBI is not interested in actually solving these cases. They're interested in finding someone to make an example out of and hopes that'll provide enough deterrence.

It won't.

Comment Re:"hoy" is a perfectly cromulent word (Score 0) 98

Merely punctuational errorification:

They should have synergized their market paradigms more to create a more linguistically diverse user experience. It's only gonna get worse though... once Beta consumes the site, all that'll be left is the outward appearance of a badly edited blog.with comments enabled.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 0) 578

It's a 118 year old tradition that happens to have copied the name from a 2790 year old tradition that ceased to exist about 1600 years ago. The ancient olympics have been gone 16 times longer than the modern olympics have been going. It's a tradition. It's just a bit of a stretch to say it's a 4000 year old tradition.

It started in 776 BC. 776 + 2014 = 2790 ... Not so much of a stretch.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 5, Insightful) 578

And why is it that you are owed free content?

I suppose a 4000 year old tradition of having an open and international series of games to bring about peace and cultural tolerance/friendship might confuse some people into thinking that as a global event, the ability to view and participate in them would be something not controlled by a single group of greedy profit-oriented people who don't care to hear the clamours of said participants. Sorta like Slashdot beta....

Comment Hmm (Score 0) 93

I wonder if we'll have to use emergency generators and radio receivers to recover from Dicepocalypse...

This is an emergency public service announcement... a zombie infection has broken out and it eats the brains of those affected. So far, only about two dozen people, all middle and senior managers of content aggregation websites, have been infected. If you see one of these husks, contact authorities immediately and do not approach them... This is an emergency...

Comment Re:I'll keep saying (Score -1, Offtopic) 175

Anyone else notice that management's solution to the great slashdot uprising is to create dummy accounts and mass downmod everyone? Yeah. Like it just ended yesterday evening.

Slashdot Managers: Fuck you. You've lost another user. After this week, I'm done. Game over. Goodbye. Hope your Web 2.0 beta mcbullshit was worth it.

Comment NYPD (Score 0) 158

Does NYPD's Google Glass clone have an app for reporting idiot marketers who don't listen to their users? Something like

--- You are being assaulted by Idiot Managers ---
You can:
[ ] File a report with the NYPD
[ ] Upmod a post about how crappy their customer service is.
[ ] Sell off stock you own of theirs
[ ] Close your account
[ ] Other (Place eyeball here for more options)

Comment Re:And that's exactly what I asked for. (Score 3, Insightful) 2219

Thank you for acknowledging us. I'd like to see a new SlashDot that's even better than the old. Please let us help you define it.

All of this could have been avoided if you guys had simply listened to the people using beta beforehand. Didn't you see in your logs people desperately trying to claw their way back to "classic"? If you had a notion of rolling out as a real beta, you'd have left a prominent button at the top of the page saying "Go back to classic". Did you not check your e-mails? Did you not see the people reporting in their sig blocks that beta sucked? I mean, this was a problem well before now, and it was ignored. And now for three whole days of constant barrages of the forums, we get this? A token "Oh we heard you", but with no specific answer? We said it sucks. Make it go away. "Ah, we're redirecting 25% of traffic now!" .. How is this an admission that it's a massive clusterfuck and you're going to pull it and have a re-think? It still appears to be full steam ahead.

Pull over, Slashdot. You're lost. And possibly drunk. Re-assess where you are, where you want to go, and then try again. Don't double down on stupid.

Comment Re:" we migrate our audience..." (Score 3, Interesting) 232

The whole point of the beta is to get feedback from the community. If we were ignoring you, we would have just flipped the switch and not looked back.

Soul, I know you are in a difficult position, having been told to do spin control for a furious userbase. But you don't have to insult our intelligence. Redirects to beta were going on well before this, and the sentiment hasn't changed. It's been negative from the moment people started getting redirected. Management has been ignoring the users from day one under the notion that they'll like it once they get used to it, and hey, look at how Facebook changes things and people complain, but keep using Facebook.

But your seniors don't seem to understand that this isn't Facebook. This isn't a site for the general population, and it's not irreplaceable nor without intense competition. There are thousands of internet forum sites out there, many of whom have the same target audience. I do not buy the argument for one second that management was ignorant of the poor opinion held of it's new "beta".

I get that they bought the house and now they want to repaint it so it's "theirs", but they've gone too far. Very far too far. They have failed to understand their target audience completely, believing that we're just like any other of the dozens of assets they hold in their portfolio, and it'll homogenize with the rest if they just stay the course.

It won't. They're going to tank their investment and once the users bail, they won't come back. They'll be like the MySpace of the IT world: It was popular at one time, but now it's a ghost website nobody cares about, just another content aggregation website, and not even a particularly valuable one. Nobody wants to see this happen... apparently, except for the senior management. We've spoken clearly, and unequivocably, in every possible way, that this is a bad decision. We've been doing this for days, and have received no indications from these people that they've even noticed.

Do we have to set fire to the facilities they live in? DDoS all their sites? I mean, really, Soulskill... we've exhausted every avenue to let these people know "Hey dudes, train coming. Train. Big train. Honk honk. Motherfucking train, on the mother fucking tracks, coming your way. TRAIN." ... And they seem to be content to just lay there like some drunk and wait for it to run them over.

If this is how it has to be, fine. But at least tell us that if Slashdot goes tits up someone on the Dice board of directors is getting shit-canned... because otherwise, the nerd rage that has built up here is going to find other, less pleasant, ways of extracting their pound of flesh from Dice. If you think the Slashdot Effect on other websites is bad... wait until a hundred thousand pissed off IT people each sitting on massive bandwidth pipes, decide to ping the SS Dice Fail Boat. It will not be pretty.

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