Journal Journal: What the heck.. I'm happy
Man was this a tough semester. Physics 1 Calc 1, Chem 1, History of the US and Intro Computer science. That coupled with 22 hrs a week of Math tutoring paid by the school, and maybe 10 hour a week of personal tutoring, made it a pretty tough semester. I guess you can throw in having taking care of my fiancee( although I'll admit I did neglected her a little). After it is all said and done, I kept my 4.0.
I didn't know it worked this way, but at my school you cant actually get more than 100% in a class(that was news to me) I seem to have gotten 112% in calc 1, 127% in chemistry and 130% in Comp science intro. Physics 1 I didn't do that good I only got a 95%, but I didnt know that the grades could go over 100%. Now I know.
I do realize that I'm at a small, private, liberal arts school, in the third world colony of the US, Puerto Rico, so naturally, the clases were much easier than at many other more advanced schools. Don't matter. All it means to me is that I'm at a higher level than they can teach at that instititution. I wish I could go to a better school were clases were actually challenging, and the students were at the same knowledge level than me, but money wise, its still not feasible for me. Hopefully I can keep shurning out profits here and there( tutoring and software) so that I can afford a better school in the not so distant future.
My hope is that I don't fall behind the knowledge curve so when I reach the masters levels I dont have to start all over again with basic science concepts. I hope that all the reading and I do on the side will help me keep up until a better school is feasible.
Anyway, Im very proud of my achievement, it was a pretty bad semester in terms of morale and mental state and I still squeezed out some great grades. I firmly believe that if I can fix some character flaws and some bad habits, I can go as far as I want to go. Reaching my limit terrifies me