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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 3 declined, 1 accepted (4 total, 25.00% accepted)


Submission + - Heinlein's Last Novel Coming in September

Frightened_Turtle writes: "Robert Heinlein's last novel, Variable Star , will be released in September. Completed by Spider Robinson at the bequest of Heinlein's estate, the novel is based on the notes and outline created by Heinlein for the novel over 50 years ago. It was set aside and forgotten when Heinlein went to work on other projects. The story follows the life of Joel Johnston who — after having a fallout with his girlfriend and going on a bender — wakes up on a starship bound for the stars. Spider Robinson has done an excellent job maintaining Heinlein's style and flow throughout the novel. Want to check out the story for yourself? You can download the first eight chapters online from the "Excerpts" link on the site as they are released over the next few weeks."

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