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Re:Rumors that humans are being replaced are false  *Tuesday November 06, 2018 @09:06AM  2
   attached to Amazon Is Hiring Fewer Workers This Holiday Season, a Sign That Robots Are Replacing Them
Re:What are "secret cookies"?  *Sunday July 01, 2012 @10:56AM  2
   attached to How a Lone Grad Student Scooped the FTC On Privacy Issue
At least they've got lots of them  *Tuesday June 29, 2010 @11:17AM  3, Interesting
Re:Trackball  *Tuesday June 29, 2010 @11:11AM  2
Re:A doctor...  *Tuesday June 29, 2010 @11:05AM  2
Re:Mod parent up  *Tuesday June 29, 2010 @11:01AM 1 2
   attached to The "King of All Computer Mice" Finally Ships
Re:Need for more varied beta testers  *Tuesday June 29, 2010 @04:28AM  2
   attached to Mozilla Updates Firefox To Appease FarmVille Users
Re:Everything Old is New again  *Monday June 28, 2010 @05:09AM 1 2
   attached to Khan Academy Delivers 100,000 Lectures Daily
Re:What is the point?  *Sunday June 27, 2010 @02:16PM  2
   attached to ICANN Approves .xxx Suffix For Porn Websites
Re:Brainless  *Monday June 28, 2010 @03:21AM  2
   attached to USPTO Grants Bezos Patent On '60s-Era Chargebacks
Re:Wrong dictionary.  *Monday June 28, 2010 @04:45AM  2
Re:Wrong dictionary.  *Monday June 28, 2010 @04:44AM  2
   attached to FBI Failed To Break Encryption of Hard Drives
Re:Less deceptive now  *Sunday May 02, 2010 @10:41AM  2
   attached to Facebook's "Evil Interfaces"
Re:Toyota  *Friday April 30, 2010 @03:05PM  2
   attached to OLED Film Could Provide Cheap Night Vision For Cars
Re:stupid windows!  *Sunday May 02, 2010 @08:06AM  2
   attached to I last bought 3.5" floppy disks ...
Re:Why use an unknown AV program?  *Tuesday April 27, 2010 @03:24PM 1 2
   attached to Fake Antivirus Peddlers Outpacing Real AV Firms
Re:From what I've heard, it really is that bad...  *Sunday April 25, 2010 @09:52AM  2
Re:From what I've heard, it really is that bad...  *Sunday April 25, 2010 @09:46AM  2
   attached to Was Flight Ban Over Ash an Overreaction?
Re:So when does Canonical need to start making mon  *Saturday April 24, 2010 @01:26PM  4, Interesting
   attached to Ubuntu Linux Claims 12,000 Cloud Deployments
Re:If not us, who?  *Saturday April 24, 2010 @01:44PM  3, Insightful
   attached to Aral Sea May Recover; Dead Sea Needs a Lifeline
Re:Nitpick...  *Thursday April 22, 2010 @12:41PM 1 2
   attached to More Evidence For Steam Games On Linux
Re:Ugh!  *Tuesday April 20, 2010 @05:56AM 1 2
Re:Good idea.  *Tuesday April 20, 2010 @05:50AM  2
   attached to SEC Proposes Wall Street Transparency Via Python
Re:Then   *Tuesday April 20, 2010 @05:36AM  2
   attached to Roger Ebert On Why Video Games Can Never Be Art

The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin
