An excellent magazine but Compute! had a lot more small snippets of code that stood by themselves and could be loaded, tested and ripped apart in minutes. Copying programs from magazines certainly had its place but is not the way to go today. Interestingly enough a friend mentioned that his son, a college freshman with no programming experience showed an interest in "programming". If it were the 1980's I would have packed up a C64 and numerous issues of Compute!, Run transactor etc and let him have fun.
But it is June , 2010 so instead I pointed him to Harvard University CS50 website;
This includes video lectures, problem sets, notes and a virtual machine to run Linux . Most importantly it starts off teaching you how to make a game!!
From the description ; Languages include C, PHP, and JavaScript plus SQL, CSS, and XHTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming.